Defining documentary linguistics AC Woodbury Language documentation and description 1, 2003 | 416 | 2003 |
Language documentation AC Woodbury na, 2011 | 278 | 2011 |
Native American discourse: Poetics and rhetoric J Sherzer, AC Woodbury (No Title), 1987 | 205 | 1987 |
Reproducible research in linguistics: A position statement on data citation and attribution in our field AL Berez-Kroeker, L Gawne, SS Kung, BF Kelly, T Heston, G Holton, ... Linguistics 56 (1), 1-18, 2018 | 170 | 2018 |
Eskimo and Aleut languages AC Woodbury Handbook of North American Indians 5, 49-63, 1984 | 164 | 1984 |
Interactions of tense and evidentiality: a study of Sherpa and English AC Woodbury | 154 | 1986 |
The functions of rhetorical structure: A study of Central Alaskan Yupik Eskimo discourse AC Woodbury Language in Society 14 (2), 153-190, 1985 | 136 | 1985 |
Grammar inside and outside the clause: some approaches to theory from the field J Nichols, AC Woodbury (No Title), 1985 | 136 | 1985 |
ΙΟ Documenting rhetorical, aesthetic, and expressive loss in language shift AC Woodbury Endangered languages: language loss and community response, 234, 1998 | 127 | 1998 |
Meaningful phonological processes: a consideration of Central Alaskan Yupik Eskimo prosody AC Woodbury Language, 685-740, 1987 | 120 | 1987 |
Greenlandic Eskimo, ergativity, and relational grammar AC Woodbury Grammatical relations, 307-336, 1977 | 118 | 1977 |
Rhetorical structure in a Central Alaskan Yupik Eskimo traditional narrative AC Woodbury Native American Discourse: poetics and rhetoric, 176-239, 1987 | 102 | 1987 |
A defense of the proposition,“When a language dies, a culture dies” AC Woodbury Texas Linguistic Forum 33, 101-129, 1993 | 99 | 1993 |
Archives and audiences: Toward making endangered language documentations people can read, use, understand, and admire AC Woodbury Language documentation and description 12, 2014 | 89 | 2014 |
What is an endangered language AC Woodbury Linguistic society of America, 2012 | 86 | 2012 |
Study of the Chevak dialect of Central Yup'ik Eskimo AC Woodbury University of California, Berkeley, 1981 | 77 | 1981 |
A holistic humanities of speaking: Franz Boas and the continuing centrality of texts PL Epps, AK Webster, AC Woodbury International Journal of American Linguistics 83 (1), 41-78, 2017 | 70 | 2017 |
Ergativity of grammatical processes: A study of Greenlandic Eskimo AC Woodbury University of Chicago (MA), 1975 | 58 | 1975 |
Finding a way into a family of tone languages: The story and methods of the Chatino Language Documentation Project E Cruz, AC Woodbury University of Hawai'i Press, 2014 | 51 | 2014 |
Noun phrase, nominal sentence, and clause in Central Alaskan Yupik Eskimo AC Woodbury Texas Linguistic Forum Austin, Tex, 179-210, 1984 | 48 | 1984 |