Xuechao Yang
Xuechao Yang
College of ABLE&IT, Victoria University
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Public and private blockchain in construction business process and information integration
R Yang, R Wakefield, S Lyu, S Jayasuriya, F Han, X Yi, X Yang, ...
Automation in construction 118, 103276, 2020
Privacy preserving Internet of Things: From privacy techniques to a blueprint architecture and efficient implementation
PP Jayaraman, X Yang, A Yavari, D Georgakopoulos, X Yi
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2017
Blockchain voting: Publicly verifiable online voting protocol without trusted tallying authorities
X Yang, X Yi, S Nepal, A Kelarev, F Han
Future Generation Computer Systems 112, 859-874, 2020
A secure verifiable ranked choice online voting system based on homomorphic encryption
X Yang, X Yi, S Nepal, A Kelarev, F Han
IEEE Access 6, 20506-20519, 2018
A lightweight authentication scheme for vehicular ad hoc networks based on MSR
X Yang, X Yi, I Khalil, Y Zeng, X Huang, S Nepal, X Yang, H Cui
Vehicular communications 15, 16-27, 2019
Blockchain-based secure and lightweight authentication for Internet of Things
X Yang, X Yang, X Yi, I Khalil, X Zhou, D He, X Huang, S Nepal
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (5), 3321-3332, 2021
Decentralized voting: a self-tallying voting system using a smart contract on the ethereum blockchain
X Yang, X Yi, S Nepal, F Han
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2018: 19th International Conference …, 2018
A multistage protocol for aggregated queries in distributed cloud databases with privacy protection
A Kelarev, X Yi, S Badsha, X Yang, L Rylands, J Seberry
Future Generation Computer Systems 90, 368-380, 2019
A distributed networked system for secure publicly verifiable self-tallying online voting
X Yang, X Yi, A Kelarev, F Han, J Luo
Information Sciences 543, 125-142, 2021
A verifiable ranked choice internet voting system
X Yang, X Yi, C Ryan, R van Schyndel, F Han, S Nepal, A Song
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2017: 18th International Conference …, 2017
Blockchain Foundations and Applications
X Yi, X Yang, A Kelarev, KY Lam, Z Tari
Springer, 2022
SGX-based users matching with privacy protection
J Luo, X Yang, X Yi
Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, 1-9, 2020
Secure ranked choice online voting system via Intel SGX and blockchain
X Yang, X Yi, A Kelarev
2021 IEEE 20th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2021
Efficient threshold password-authenticated secret sharing protocols for cloud computing
X Yi, Z Tari, F Hao, L Chen, JK Liu, X Yang, KY Lam, I Khalil, AY Zomaya
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 128, 57-70, 2019
Enhancing stakeholders' trust in megaproject supply chain through blockchain: an exploratory study
YR Jing, W Ron, Y Xun, L Sainan, Y Xuechao, Z Jiwan, I Zhang
Trust in Major and Mega Projects, 25, 2019
A new privacy‐preserving authentication protocol for anonymous web browsing
X Yang, X Yi, I Khalil, H Cui, X Yang, S Nepal, X Huang, Y Zeng
Concurrency and computation: Practice and experience 31 (21), e4706, 2019
Towards Sustainable Trust: A Practical SGX Aided Anonymous Reputation System
X Yang, X Yang, J Luo, X Yi, I Kahlil, S Lai, W Wu, AY Zomaya
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2023
An efficient privacy-preserving recommender system in wireless networks
J Luo, X Yi, F Han, X Yang
Wireless Networks, 1-12, 2022
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Smart Contracts and Blockchain Types
X Yi, X Yang, A Kelarev, KY Lam, Z Tari
Blockchain Foundations and Applications, 25-65, 2022
Securing Body Sensor Network with ECG
X Yang, X Yi, I Khalil, F Han, Z Tari
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Advances in Mobile …, 2016
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