Caleb Massey
Cladding burst behavior of Fe-based alloys under LOCA
CP Massey, KA Terrani, SN Dryepondt, BA Pint
Journal of Nuclear Materials 470, 128-138, 2016
Development of low-Cr ODS FeCrAl alloys for accident-tolerant fuel cladding
S Dryepondt, KA Unocic, DT Hoelzer, CP Massey, BA Pint
Journal of Nuclear Materials 501, 59-71, 2018
Multiscale investigations of nanoprecipitate nucleation, growth, and coarsening in annealed low-Cr oxide dispersion strengthened FeCrAl powder
CP Massey, SN Dryepondt, PD Edmondson, MG Frith, KC Littrell, A Kini, ...
Acta Materialia 166, 1-17, 2019
Influence of mechanical alloying and extrusion conditions on the microstructure and tensile properties of Low-Cr ODS FeCrAl alloys
CP Massey, SN Dryepondt, PD Edmondson, KA Terrani, SJ Zinkle
Journal of Nuclear Materials 512, 227-238, 2018
Strength and rupture geometry of un-irradiated C26M FeCrAl under LOCA burst testing conditions
SB Bell, KA Kane, CP Massey, LA Baldesberger, D Lutz, BA Pint
Journal of Nuclear Materials 557, 153242, 2021
Modern nanostructured ferritic alloys: A compelling and viable choice for sodium fast reactor fuel cladding applications
DT Hoelzer, CP Massey, SJ Zinkle, DC Crawford, KA Terrani
Journal of Nuclear Materials 529, 151928, 2020
Post irradiation examination of nanoprecipitate stability and α′ precipitation in an oxide dispersion strengthened Fe-12Cr-5Al alloy
CP Massey, PD Edmondson, KG Field, DT Hoelzer, SN Dryepondt, ...
Scripta Materialia 162, 94-98, 2019
The effect of Zr on precipitation in oxide dispersion strengthened FeCrAl alloys
CP Massey, PD Edmondson, KA Unocic, Y Yang, SN Dryepondt, A Kini, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 533, 152105, 2020
Improved irradiation resistance of accident-tolerant high-strength FeCrAl alloys with heterogeneous structures
KS Mao, CP Massey, Y Yamamoto, KA Unocic, MN Gussev, D Zhang, ...
Acta Materialia 231, 117843, 2022
Effect of heavy ion irradiation dose rate and temperature on α′ precipitation in high purity Fe-18% Cr alloy
Y Zhao, A Bhattacharya, C Pareige, C Massey, P Zhu, JD Poplawsky, ...
Acta Materialia 231, 117888, 2022
Ultrasonic additive manufacturing of zirconium: Pilot results
CP Massey, CJ Havrilak, MN Gussev, KA Terrani, AT Nelson
Materials Letters 302, 130330, 2021
Deconvoluting the effect of chromium and aluminum on the radiation response of wrought FeCrAl alloys after low-dose neutron irradiation
CP Massey, D Zhang, SA Briggs, PD Edmondson, Y Yamamoto, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 549, 152804, 2021
Investigations of aluminum-doped self-healing Zircaloy surfaces in context of accident-tolerant fuel cladding research
J Carr, G Vasudevamurthy, L Snead, B Hinderliter, C Massey
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 25, 2347-2355, 2016
Investigation of deformation mechanisms in an advanced FeCrAl alloy using in-situ SEM-EBSD testing
N Bibhanshu, MN Gussev, CP Massey, KG Field
Materials Science and Engineering: A 832, 142373, 2022
Stability of a model Fe-14Cr nanostructured ferritic alloy after long-term thermal creep
CP Massey, DT Hoelzer, PD Edmondson, A Kini, B Gault, KA Terrani, ...
Scripta Materialia 170, 134-139, 2019
The response of accident tolerant fuel cladding to LOCA burst testing: A comparative study of leading concepts
K Kane, S Bell, N Capps, B Garrison, K Shapovalov, G Jacobsen, C Deck, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 574, 154152, 2023
Deuterium retention in advanced steels for fusion reactor structural application
X Hu, L Tan, K Wang, CP Massey, DT Hoelzer, Y Katoh
Journal of Nuclear Materials 516, 144-151, 2019
Microstructural evaluation of a Fe-12Cr nanostructured ferritic alloy designed for impurity sequestration
CP Massey, DT Hoelzer, RL Seibert, PD Edmondson, A Kini, B Gault, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 522, 111-122, 2019
Thermal and mechanical properties of mechanically alloyed 304LSS-CNT metal matrix composites
C Massey, M Umanzor, G Vasudevamurthy
Journal of Composite Materials 51 (7), 1019-1028, 2017
Insights from microstructure and mechanical property comparisons of three pilgered ferritic ODS tubes
CP Massey, PD Edmondson, MN Gussev, K Mao, T Gräning, TJ Nizolek, ...
Materials & Design 213, 110333, 2022
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