David M Condon
David M Condon
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The International Cognitive Ability Resource: Development and initial validation of a public-domain measure
DM Condon, W Revelle
Intelligence 43, 52-64, 2014
PROMIS® adult health profiles: efficient short-form measures of seven health domains
D Cella, SW Choi, DM Condon, B Schalet, RD Hays, NE Rothrock, ...
Value in health 22 (5), 537-544, 2019
Reliability from α to ω: A tutorial.
W Revelle, DM Condon
Psychological assessment 31 (12), 1395, 2019
Descriptive, predictive and explanatory personality research: Different goals, different approaches, but a shared need to move beyond the Big Few traits
R Mõttus, D Wood, DM Condon, MD Back, A Baumert, G Costantini, ...
European Journal of Personality 34 (6), 1175-1201, 2020
Individual Differences and Differential Psychology: A Brief History and Prospect
W Revelle, J Wilt, DM Condon
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Individual Differences, 1-38, 2011
A model for personality at three levels
W Revelle, DM Condon
Journal of Research in Personality 56, 70-81, 2015
The SAPA Personality Inventory: An empirically-derived, hierarchically-organized self-report personality assessment model
DM Condon
The distinction between symptoms and traits in the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP)
CG DeYoung, M Chmielewski, LA Clark, DM Condon, R Kotov, ...
Journal of personality 90 (1), 20-33, 2022
Exploring the persome: The power of the item in understanding personality structure
W Revelle, EM Dworak, DM Condon
Personality and Individual Differences 169, 109905, 2021
The personality of US states: Stability from 1999 to 2015
LG Elleman, DM Condon, SE Russin, W Revelle
Journal of Research in Personality 72, 64-72, 2018
Do Dimensional Psychopathology Measures Relate to Creative Achievement or Divergent Thinking?
D Zabelina, DM Condon, M Beeman
Front. Psychol., 1029, 2014
Web and phone based data collection using planned missing designs
W Revelle, DM Condon, J Wilt, JA French, A Brown, LG Elleman
Handbook of Online Research Methods, 2017
Bottom up construction of a personality taxonomy
DM Condon, D Wood, R Mõttus, T Booth, G Costantini, S Greiff, ...
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2021
Development and validation of the consumer health activation index
MS Wolf, SG Smith, AU Pandit, DM Condon, LM Curtis, J Griffith, ...
Medical Decision Making 38 (3), 334-343, 2018
Using the International Cognitive Ability Resource as an open source tool to explore individual differences in cognitive ability
EM Dworak, W Revelle, P Doebler, DM Condon
Personality and Individual Differences 169, 109906, 2021
Sense of direction: General factor saturation and associations with the Big-Five traits
DM Condon, J Wilt, CA Cohen, W Revelle, M Hegarty, DH Uttal
Personality and Individual Differences 86, 38-43, 2015
Cross-sectional validation of the PROMIS-Preference scoring system
J Hanmer, B Dewitt, L Yu, J Tsevat, M Roberts, D Revicki, PA Pilkonis, ...
PloS one 13 (7), e0201093, 2018
Leveraging a more nuanced view of personality: Narrow characteristics predict and explain variance in life outcomes
R Mõttus, TC Bates, DM Condon, DK Mroczek, WR Revelle
That takes the BISCUIT: Predictive accuracy and parsimony of four statistical learning techniques in personality data, with data missingness conditions.
LG Elleman, SK McDougald, DM Condon, W Revelle
European Journal of Psychological Assessment 36 (6), 948, 2020
Development of the initial surveys for the All of Us Research Program
RM Cronin, RN Jerome, B Mapes, R Andrade, R Johnston, J Ayala, ...
Epidemiology 30 (4), 597-608, 2019
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