Henry Otgaar
Henry Otgaar
Professor of Legal Psychology, research professor, Maastricht University, KU Leuven
在 maastrichtuniversity.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
A multilab preregistered replication of the ego-depletion effect
MS Hagger, NLD Chatzisarantis, H Alberts, CO Anggono, C Batailler, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science 11 (4), 546-573, 2016
The malevolent side of human nature: A meta-analysis and critical review of the literature on the dark triad (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy)
P Muris, H Merckelbach, H Otgaar, E Meijer
Perspectives on psychological science 12 (2), 183-204, 2017
True or false? Memory is differentially affected by stress-induced cortisol elevations and sympathetic activity at consolidation and retrieval
T Smeets, H Otgaar, I Candel, OT Wolf
Psychoneuroendocrinology 33 (10), 1378-1386, 2008
Adaptive memory: Survival processing increases both true and false memory in adults and children.
H Otgaar, T Smeets
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 36 (4), 1010, 2010
The return of the repressed: The persistent and problematic claims of long-forgotten trauma
H Otgaar, ML Howe, L Patihis, H Merckelbach, SJ Lynn, SO Lilienfeld, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science 14 (6), 1072-1095, 2019
Valence and the development of immediate and long-term false memory illusions
ML Howe, I Candel, H Otgaar, C Malone, MC Wimmer
Memory 18 (1), 58-75, 2010
Picturing survival memories: Enhanced memory after fitness-relevant processing occurs for verbal and visual stimuli
H Otgaar, T Smeets, S van Bergen
Memory & cognition 38 (1), 23-28, 2010
The ease of lying
B Verschuere, A Spruyt, EH Meijer, H Otgaar
Consciousness and cognition 20 (3), 908-911, 2011
Protection as the mirror image of psychopathology: further critical notes on the self-compassion scale
P Muris, H Otgaar, N Petrocchi
Mindfulness 7, 787-790, 2016
Experimentally evoking nonbelieved memories for childhood events.
H Otgaar, A Scoboria, T Smeets
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 39 (3), 717, 2013
Good and bad sides of self-compassion: A face validity check of the Self-Compassion Scale and an investigation of its relations to coping and emotional symptoms in non-clinical …
P Muris, M van den Broek, H Otgaar, I Oudenhoven, J Lennartz
Journal of Child and Family Studies 27, 2411-2421, 2018
Children’s false memories: Easier to elicit for a negative than for a neutral event
H Otgaar, I Candel, H Merckelbach
Acta Psychologica 128 (2), 350-354, 2008
The process of science: A critical evaluation of more than 15 years of research on self-compassion with the Self-Compassion Scale
P Muris, H Otgaar
Mindfulness 11, 1469-1482, 2020
Abducted by a UFO: Prevalence information affects young children's false memories for an implausible event
H Otgaar, I Candel, H Merckelbach, KA Wade
Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for …, 2009
On the existence and implications of nonbelieved memories
H Otgaar, A Scoboria, G Mazzoni
Current Directions in Psychological Science 23 (5), 349-354, 2014
Proximate mechanisms and the development of adaptive memory
ML Howe, H Otgaar
Current Directions in Psychological Science 22 (1), 16-22, 2013
The malleability of developmental trends in neutral and negative memory illusions.
H Otgaar, ML Howe, N Brackmann, T Smeets
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (1), 31, 2016
When lying changes memory for the truth
H Otgaar, A Baker
Memory 26 (1), 2-14, 2018
Children's false memories: Different false memory paradigms reveal different results
H Otgaar, I Candel
Psychology, Crime & Law 17 (6), 513-528, 2011
What science tells us about false and repressed memories
H Otgaar, ML Howe, L Patihis
Memory 30 (1), 16-21, 2022
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