ML Mei
ML Mei
在 otago.ac.nz 的电子邮件经过验证
The antibacterial mechanism of silver nanoparticles and its application in dentistry
IX Yin, J Zhang, IS Zhao, ML Mei, Q Li, CH Chu
International journal of nanomedicine, 2555-2562, 2020
Caries remineralisation and arresting effect in children by professionally applied fluoride treatment–a systematic review
SS Gao, S Zhang, ML Mei, ECM Lo, CH Chu
BMC oral health 16, 1-9, 2016
Mechanisms of silver diamine fluoride on arresting caries: a literature review
IS Zhao, SS Gao, N Hiraishi, MF Burrow, D Duangthip, ML Mei, ECM Lo, ...
International dental journal 68 (2), 67-76, 2018
Clinical trials of silver diamine fluoride in arresting caries among children: a systematic review
SS Gao, IS Zhao, N Hiraishi, D Duangthip, ML Mei, ECM Lo, CH Chu
JDR Clinical & Translational Research 1 (3), 201-210, 2016
Inhibitory effect of silver diamine fluoride on dentine demineralisation and collagen degradation
ML Mei, L Ito, Y Cao, QL Li, ECM Lo, CH Chu
Journal of dentistry 41 (9), 809-817, 2013
Antibacterial effects of silver diamine fluoride on multi-species cariogenic biofilm on caries
ML Mei, Q Li, CH Chu, ECM Lo, LP Samaranayake
Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials 12, 1-7, 2013
Arresting dentine caries with silver diamine fluoride: what’s behind it?
ML Mei, ECM Lo, CH Chu
Journal of dental research 97 (7), 751-758, 2018
An ex vivo study of arrested primary teeth caries with silver diamine fluoride therapy
ML Mei, L Ito, Y Cao, ECM Lo, QL Li, CH Chu
Journal of dentistry 42 (4), 395-402, 2014
The inhibitory effects of silver diamine fluoride at different concentrations on matrix metalloproteinases
ML Mei, QL Li, CH Chu, CKY Yiu, ECM Lo
Dental Materials 28 (8), 903-908, 2012
Caries arresting effect of silver diamine fluoride on dentine carious lesion with S. mutans and L. acidophilus dual-species cariogenic biofilm
ML Mei, CH Chu, KH Low, CM Che, ECM Lo
Medicina oral, patologia oral y cirugia bucal 18 (6), e824, 2013
Clinical use of silver diamine fluoride in dental treatment
ML Mei, EC Lo, CH Chu
Compend Contin Educ Dent 37 (2), 93-8, 2016
Formation of fluorohydroxyapatite with silver diamine fluoride
ML Mei, F Nudelman, B Marzec, JM Walker, ECM Lo, AW Walls, CH Chu
Journal of dental research 96 (10), 1122-1128, 2017
Methods for biomimetic remineralization of human dentine: a systematic review
CY Cao, ML Mei, QL Li, ECM Lo, CH Chu
International journal of molecular sciences 16 (3), 4615-4627, 2015
Fluoride and silver concentrations of silver diammine fluoride solutions for dental use
ML Mei, CH Chu, ECM Lo, LP Samaranayake
International journal of paediatric dentistry 23 (4), 279-285, 2013
The inhibitory effects of silver diamine fluorides on cysteine cathepsins
ML Mei, L Ito, Y Cao, QL Li, CH Chu, ECM Lo
Journal of dentistry 42 (3), 329-335, 2014
Effect of silver diamine fluoride and potassium iodide treatment on secondary caries prevention and tooth discolouration in cervical glass ionomer cement restoration
IS Zhao, ML Mei, MF Burrow, ECM Lo, CH Chu
International journal of molecular sciences 18 (2), 340, 2017
Use of fluorides in dental caries management.
CH Chu, ML Mei, EC Lo
General dentistry 58 (1), 37-43; quiz 44, 2010
Biomimetic mineralisation of phosphorylated dentine by CPP-ACP
Y Cao, ML Mei, J Xu, ECM Lo, Q Li, CH Chu
Journal of dentistry 41 (9), 818-825, 2013
Dental biofilm and laboratory microbial culture models for cariology research
OY Yu, IS Zhao, ML Mei, ECM Lo, CH Chu
Dentistry journal 5 (2), 21, 2017
Remineralisation of enamel with silver diamine fluoride and sodium fluoride
OY Yu, ML Mei, IS Zhao, QL Li, ECM Lo, CH Chu
Dental Materials 34 (12), e344-e352, 2018
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