Joana Pimentel  Alves
Joana Pimentel Alves
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Estudo de avaliação do impacto dos custos financeiros e sociais da deficiência: relatório final
S Portugal, BS Martins, LM Ramos, P Hespanha, J Alves, J Fidalgo
Centro de Estudos Sociais, 2011
Doenças raras e cuidado: um olhar a partir das redes sociais
S Portugal, JP Alves
Cescontexto-debates, 34-40, 2015
Are higher education institutions preparing future tourism professionals for tourism for all? An overview from Portuguese higher education tourism programmes
C Eusébio, JP Alves, MJ Rosa, L Teixeira
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education 31, 100395, 2022
Vidas de cuidado (s): uma análise sociológica do papel dos cuidadores informais
JMPM Alves
FEUC, 2011
“Quero ir, mas tenho que ficar”: constrangimentos às práticas turísticas do mercado de turismo acessível em Portugal
JP Alves, C Eusébio, L Saraiva, L Teixeira
Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 81-97, 2020
Apostila educativa: aplicações da energia nuclear
EM CARDOSO, JP Alves, C Braz, S Pestana
Rio de Janeiro: CNEN, 2008
Benchmarking of Technological Platforms for Accessible Tourism: A Study Resulting in an Innovative Solution—Access@tour
J Alves, P Teixeira, C Eusébio, L Teixeira
Applied Sciences 12 (8), 3963, 2022
The role of social organisations in the promotion of recreation and tourism activities for people with special needs
MJ Carneiro, J Alves, C Eusébio, L Saraiva, L Teixeira
European Journal of Tourism Research 30, 3013-3013, 2022
Methodological approach for the conceptualization of an information system for accessible tourism
P Teixeira, J Alves, L Teixeira, M Eusébio
European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management …, 2021
O que eu faço tem valor»: discutindo o cuidado familiar e o reconhecimento
J Alves
Ex aequo 30, 97-111, 2014
Needs, motivations, constraints and benefits of people with disabilities participating in tourism activities: the view of formal caregivers
C Eusébio, JP Alves, MJ Carneiro, L Teixeira
Annals of Leisure Research, 1-25, 2023
Kinematic and clinical outcomes to evaluate the efficacy of a multidisciplinary intervention on functional mobility in Parkinson's disease
R Bouça-Machado, D Branco, G Fonseca, R Fernandes, D Abreu, ...
Frontiers in neurology 12, 637620, 2021
The role of higher education institutions in the accessible tourism ecosystem: requirements for the conceptualization of an information system
P Teixeira, J Alves, C Eusébio, L Teixeira
Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 3 9 …, 2021
Language assessment in awake brain surgery: the Portuguese adaptation of the Dutch linguistic intraoperative protocol (DuLIP)
J Alves, M Cardoso, M Morgado, E De Witte, D Satoer, A Hall, LMT Jesus
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 35 (12), 1113-1131, 2021
Feasibility and safety of telerehabilitation for physiotherapy interventions in movement disorders patients
V Caniça, R Bouça‐Machado, JJ Ferreira, ...
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 8 (7), 1144, 2021
" I want to go but I have to stay": travel constraints of the Portuguese accessible tourism market.
JP Alves, C Eusébio, L Saraiva, L Teixeira
Cuidar e ser cuidado. Uma análise do cuidado quotidiano, permanente e de longa duração
JMPM Alves
PQDT-Global, 2016
Cuidar e ser cuidado
J Alves
Uma análise do cuidado quotidiano, permanente e de longa duração, 2016
A multidisciplinary User-Centered approach to designing an information platform for accessible tourism: Understanding user needs and motivations
P Teixeira, J Alves, T Correia, L Teixeira, C Eusébio, S Silva, A Teixeira
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 136-150, 2021
Adverse events of physiotherapy interventions in Parkinsonian patients
V Caniça, R Bouça‐Machado, MM Rosa, JJ Ferreira, ...
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 9 (6), 744-750, 2022
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