Alexander Olshevskiy
Alexander Olshevskiy
Computational Mechanics Lab. (Bryansk State Technical University)
在 umlab.ru 的电子邮件经过验证
Three-dimensional solid brick element using slopes in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation
A Olshevskiy, O Dmitrochenko, CW Kim
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 9 (2), 021001, 2014
Three-and four-noded planar elements using absolute nodal coordinate formulation
A Olshevskiy, O Dmitrochenko, C Kim
Multibody system dynamics 29, 255-269, 2013
The simplest 3-, 6-and 8-noded fully-parameterized ANCF plate elements using only transverse slopes
A Olshevskiy, O Dmitrochenko, MD Dai, CW Kim
Multibody System Dynamics 34, 23-51, 2015
Finite element analysis of railway disc brake considering structural, thermal, and wear phenomena
A Olshevskiy, A Olshevskiy, O Berdnikov, CW Kim
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2012
An improved dynamic model of friction draft gear with a transitional characteristic accounting for housing deformation
A Olshevskiy, A Olshevskiy, CW Kim, HI Yang
Vehicle System Dynamics 56 (10), 1471-1491, 2018
A triangular plate element 2343 using second-order absolute-nodal-coordinate slopes: numerical computation of shape functions
A Olshevskiy, O Dmitrochenko, S Lee, CW Kim
Nonlinear Dynamics 74, 769-781, 2013
Absolute nodal coordinate formulation of tetrahedral solid element
A Olshevskiy, O Dmitrochenko, HI Yang, CW Kim
Nonlinear Dynamics 88, 2457-2471, 2017
Wear simulation for the centre plate arrangement of a freight car
A Olshevskiy, CW Kim, HI Yang, A Olshevskiy
Vehicle System Dynamics 53 (6), 856-876, 2015
Analysis of parameters of conformal contact for wheel-center and bandage of an innovative wheel
L Vinnik, G Bourtchak, A Olshevskiy, A Olshevskiy
Wear 265 (9-10), 1292-1299, 2008
Finite element simulation of inelastic contact for arbitrarily shaped rough bodies
A Olshevskiy, HI Yang, CW Kim
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2012
Dynamical response of multi-walled carbon nanotube resonators based on continuum mechanics modeling for mass sensing applications
M Choi, K Eom, K Gwak, MD Dai, A Olshevskiy, CW Kim
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31, 2385-2391, 2017
Freight cars shunting impacts analysis using an improved dynamic model of friction draft gear
A Olshevskiy, A Olshevskiy, S Inshakova, CW Kim, HI Yang
Vehicle system dynamics 56 (10), 1492-1507, 2018
Efficient three-stage approach to fatigue life assessment for transport machines in the context of stilt sprayer performance
A Olshevskiy, N Kulinichev, A Olshevskiy, CW Kim, HI Yang
Engineering Failure Analysis 81, 10-30, 2017
Three-dimensional solid elements employing slopes in the absolute nodal coordinate formulation
AA Olshevskiy, ON Dmitrochenko, CW Kim
Proc. of the 24th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 162-165, 2011
A plate element with second-order absolute nodal coordinate slopes: numerical computation of shape functions
A Olshevskiy, O Dmitrochenko, CW Kim
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2014
Arbitrary mechanical system description by a symbolic line
O Dmitrochenko, A Mikkola, A Olshevskiy
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 124 (1), 012050, 2016
FEM simulation of inelastic contact of rough bodies
AA Olshevsky, KV Shevchenko
Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008: Proceedings of the Second …, 2008
Finite Element Simulation of Inelastic Contact Analysis for Arbitrary Shaped Rough Bodies
A Olshevskiy, CW Kim
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