Samantha Chesney
Samantha Chesney
Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin
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Emotion regulation difficulties, low social support, and interpersonal violence mediate the link between childhood abuse and posttraumatic stress symptoms
NR Stevens, J Gerhart, RE Goldsmith, NM Heath, SA Chesney, ...
Behavior Therapy 44 (1), 152-161, 2013
Emotion regulation difficulties mediate associations between betrayal trauma and symptoms of posttraumatic stress, depression, and anxiety
RE Goldsmith, SA Chesney, NM Heath, MR Barlow
Journal of Traumatic Stress 26 (3), 376-384, 2013
Mindfulness-based stress reduction for posttraumatic stress symptoms: building acceptance and decreasing shame
RE Goldsmith, JI Gerhart, SA Chesney, JW Burns, B Kleinman, MM Hood
Journal of evidence-based complementary & alternative medicine 19 (4), 227-234, 2014
Interpersonal violence, PTSD, and inflammation: potential psychogenic pathways to higher C-reactive protein levels
NM Heath, SA Chesney, JI Gerhart, RE Goldsmith, JL Luborsky, ...
Cytokine 63 (2), 172-178, 2013
Profiles of emotion regulation: understanding regulatory patterns and the implications for posttraumatic stress
SA Chesney, NS Gordon
Cognition and Emotion 31 (3), 598-606, 2017
Exploring the gold-standard: Evidence for a two-factor model of the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale for the DSM–5.
JC Hunt, SA Chesney, TD Jorgensen, NR Schumann, TA deRoon-Cassini
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 10 (5), 551-558, 2018
Six-month follow-up of the injured trauma survivor screen: Clinical implications and future directions
JC Hunt, SA Chesney, K Brasel, TA deRoon-Cassini
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 85 (2), 263-270, 2018
Thinking positively: Optimism and emotion regulation predict interpretation of ambiguous information
NS Gordon, SA Chesney, K Reiter
Cogent Psychology 3 (1), 1195068, 2016
Establishment and replication of emotion regulation profiles: Implications for psychological health
SA Chesney, SC Timmer-Murillo, NS Gordon
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 32 (3), 329-345, 2019
Circulating endocannabinoids and prospective risk for depression in trauma-injury survivors
JM Fitzgerald, SA Chesney, TS Lee, K Brasel, CL Larson, CJ Hillard, ...
Neurobiology of stress 14, 100304, 2021
Using fMR-adaptation to track complex object representations in perirhinal cortex
RD Rubin, SA Chesney, NJ Cohen, BD Gonsalves
Cognitive Neuroscience 4 (2), 107-114, 2013
A Call to Follow-Up: Results Regarding Trauma Clinic Follow-Up Patterns
CM Trevino, JC Cooros, SA Chesney, T deRoon-Cassini, TW Carver, ...
Journal of Trauma Nursing| JTN 26 (6), 290-296, 2019
On the Outside Looking In: Distress and Sympathy for Ethnic Victims of Violence by Out-Group Members
NS Gordon, SA Chesney
Journal of Cognition and Culture 17 (3-4), 199-217, 2017
Inside and Out: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Emotion Regulation in Young-Adult Friendships
SA Chesney
Faculty of the Graduate School, Marquette University, 2018
Mechanisms of Regulation: Profiling the Impact of Emotion Regulation on Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms
SA Chesney
Faculty of the Graduate School, Marquette University, 2015
F91. Endocannabinoids and Risk for Depression in Traumatic-Injury Survivors
J Fitzgerald, S Chesney, T Sander, K Brasel, C Larson, C Hillard, ...
Biological Psychiatry 85 (10), S247-S248, 2019
49. Endocannabinoid System in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Early After Traumatic Injury
S Chesney, C Hillard
Biological Psychiatry 83 (9), S20, 2018
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