Claudio Bilos
Claudio Bilos
Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
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Sources, distribution and variability of airborne trace metals in La Plata City area, Argentina
C Bilos, JC Colombo, CN Skorupka, MJR Presa
Environmental Pollution 111 (1), 149-158, 2001
Trace metals in suspended particles, sediments and Asiatic clams (Corbicula fluminea) of the Río de la Plata Estuary, Argentina
C Bilos, JC Colombo, MJR Presa
Environmental Pollution 99 (1), 1-11, 1998
Environmental toxicity assessment in the Paraná river delta (Argentina): simultaneous evaluation of selected pollutants and mortality rates of Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia …
D Cataldo, JC Colombo, D Boltovskoy, C Bilos, P Landoni
Environmental Pollution 112 (3), 379-389, 2001
Bioaccumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorinated pesticides by the Asiatic Clam Corbicula fluminea; its use as sentinel organism in the Río de la Plata estuary …
JC Colombo, C Bilos, M Campanaro, MJR Presa, JA Catoggio
Environmental Science & Technology 29 (4), 914-927, 1995
Detritivorous fish contamination in the Río de la Plata estuary: a critical accumulation pathway in the cycle of anthropogenic compounds
JC Colombo, C Bilos, MR Lenicov, D Colautti, P Landoni, C Brochu
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57 (6), 1139-1150, 2000
Oil spill in the Rio de la Plata estuary, Argentina: 2-hydrocarbon disappearance rates in sediments and soils
JC Colombo, A Barreda, C Bilos, NE Cappelletti, MC Migoya, ...
Environmental Pollution 134 (2), 267-276, 2005
Oil spill in the Río de la Plata estuary, Argentina: 1. Biogeochemical assessment of waters, sediments, soils and biota
JC Colombo, A Barreda, C Bilos, NE Cappelletti, SO Demichelis, ...
Environmental Pollution 134 (2), 277-289, 2005
Sources, distribution and variability of airborne particles and hydrocarbons in La Plata area, Argentina
JC Colombo, P Landoni, C Bilos
Environmental Pollution 104 (2), 305-314, 1999
Long-term accumulation of individual PCBs, dioxins, furans and trace metals in Asiatic Clams from the Río de la Plata estuary, Argentina
JC Colombo, C Brochu, C Bilos, P Landoni, S Moore
Environmental Science & Technology 31 (12), 3551-3557, 1997
Massive airborne Endosulfan inputs related to intensive agriculture in Argentina's Pampa
MJ Astoviza, NE Cappelletti, C Bilos, MC Migoya, JC Colombo
Chemosphere 144, 1459-1466, 2016
Trace metal behavior along fluvio-marine gradients in the Samborombón Bay, outer Río de la Plata estuary, Argentina
LM Tatone, C Bilos, CN Skorupka, JC Colombo
Continental Shelf Research 96, 27-33, 2015
Vertical fluxes and accumulation of trace metals in superficial sediments of the Río de la Plata Estuary, Argentina
LM Tatone, C Bilos, CN Skorupka, JC Colombo
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 83 (6), 913, 2009
Seasonal and inter-annual variability of water quality in the Uruguay River, Argentina
JC Colombo, CN Skorupka, C Bilos, LM Tatone, NE Cappelletti, ...
Hydrological Sciences Journal 60 (6), 1155-1163, 2015
Airborne PCB patterns and urban scale in the Southern Río de la Plata Basin, Argentina
MJ Astoviza, NE Cappelletti, C Bilos, MC Migoya, JC Colombo
Science of the Total Environment 572, 16-22, 2016
Comparative approach for trace metal risk evaluation in settling particles from the Uruguay River, Argentina: enrichment factors, sediment quality guidelines and metal speciation
LM Tatone, C Bilos, CN Skorupka, JC Colombo
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-7, 2016
Long-Term (1970–2017) Temporal Trends of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Fish, Settling Material, and Sediments from Populated and Remote Sites in Río de la Plata Estuary, Argentina
JC Colombo, ED Speranza, MJ Astoviza, MC Migoya, CN Skorupka, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 52 (21), 12412-12418, 2018
Trace metals in settling particles from the sewage impacted buenos aires coastal area in the Río de la Plata Estuary, Argentina
LM Tatone, C Bilos, CN Skorupka, JC Colombo
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 90 (3), 318-322, 2013
Concentración de pesticidas organoclorados en aire del sur de la cuenca del Plata: un año de muestreo
MJ Astoviza, NE Cappelletti, C Bilos, JC Colombo
Subproyecto 'Biogeoquímica de Contaminantes'
JC Colombo , MJ Astoviza, C Bilos, NE Cappelletti, MC Migoya, M Morrone, CN ...
Relevamiento de la utilización de agroquímicos en la Provincia de Buenos …, 2015
Size-related trace metal bioaccumulation in Asiatic clams (Corbicula fluminea) from the Rio de la Plata estuary, Argentina
C Bilos, JC Colombo, CN Skorupka, SO Demichelis, LM Tatone
International Journal of Environment and Health 3 (4), 390-409, 2009
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