Rahul Nigam
Rahul Nigam
SAC ISRO Ahmedabad
Evapotranspiration using MODIS data and limited ground observations over selected agroecosystems in India
K Mallick, BK Bhattacharya, S Chaurasia, S Dutta, R Nigam, J Mukherjee, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (10), 2091-2110, 2007
A combined deficit index for regional agricultural drought assessment over semi-arid tract of India using geostationary meteorological satellite data
SS Vyas, BK Bhattacharya, R Nigam, P Guhathakurta, K Ghosh, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 39, 28-39, 2015
Interaction of convective organization with monsoon precipitation, atmosphere, surface and sea: The 2016 INCOMPASS field campaign in India
AG Turner, GS Bhat, GM Martin, DJ Parker, CM Taylor, AK Mitra, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 146 (731), 2828-2852, 2020
Efficiency based wheat yield prediction in a semi-arid climate using surface energy budgeting with satellite observations
BK Bhattacharya, K Mallick, R Nigam, K Dakore, AM Shekh
Agricultural and forest meteorology 151 (10), 1394-1408, 2011
Geospatial technology in agroforestry: status, prospects, and constraints
P Sharma, DR Bhardwaj, MK Singh, R Nigam, NA Pala, A Kumar, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (55), 116459-116487, 2023
Indo-French high-resolution thermal infrared space mission for Earth natural resources assessment and monitoring–Concept and definition of TRISHNA
JP Lagouarde, BK Bhattacharya, P Crébassol, P Gamet, D Adlakha, ...
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
Development of regional wheat VI-LAI models using Resourcesat-1 AWiFS data
S Chaurasia, R Nigam, BK Bhattacharya, VN Sridhar, K Mallick, SP Vyas, ...
Journal of earth system science 120, 1113-1125, 2011
Crop type discrimination and health assessment using hyperspectral imaging
R Nigam, R Tripathy, S Dutta, N Bhagia, R Nagori, K Chandrasekar, R Kot, ...
Current Science 116 (7), 1108-1123, 2019
Relative calibration using natural terrestrial targets: A preparation towards Oceansat-2 scatterometer
R Kumar, SA Bhowmick, KN Babu, R Nigam, A Sarkar
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 49 (6), 2268-2273, 2011
Mapping crop types in fragmented arable landscapes using AVIRIS-NG imagery and limited field data
EAL Salas, SK Subburayalu, B Slater, K Zhao, B Bhattacharya, R Tripathy, ...
International Journal of Image and Data Fusion 11 (1), 33-56, 2020
Extracting regional pattern of wheat sowing dates using multispectral and high temporal observations from Indian geostationary satellite
S Vyas, R Nigam, NK Patel, S Panigrahy
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 41, 855-864, 2013
Retrieval of wheat leaf area index from AWiFS multispectral data using canopy radiative transfer simulation
R Nigam, BK Bhattacharya, S Vyas, MP Oza
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 32 …, 2014
Impact of Kalpana‐1 derived land surface albedo on short‐range weather forecasting over the Indian subcontinent
P Kumar, BK Bhattacharya, R Nigam, CM Kishtawal, PK Pal
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (6), 2764-2780, 2014
Formulation of time series vegetation index from Indian geostationary satellite and comparison with global product
R Nigam, BK Bhattacharya, KR Gunjal, N Padmanabhan, NK Patel
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 40, 1-9, 2012
Spatial and temporal variability in energy and water vapour fluxes observed at seven sites on the Indian subcontinent during 2017
GS Bhat, R Morrison, CM Taylor, BK Bhattacharya, S Paleri, D Desai, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 146 (731), 2853-2866, 2020
Continental scale vegetation index from Indian geostationary satellite: algorithm definition and validation
R Nigam, BK Bhattacharya, KR Gunjal, N Padmanabhan, NK Patel
Current Science, 1184-1192, 2011
New findings on impact of COVID lockdown over terrestrial ecosystems from LEO-GEO satellites
N Lele, R Nigam, BK Bhattacharya
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 22, 100476, 2021
Development of real-time reference evapotranspiration at the regional scale using satellite-based observations
SS Vyas, R Nigam, BK Bhattacharya, P Kumar
International Journal of Remote Sensing 37 (24), 6108-6126, 2016
Operational semi-physical spectral-spatial wheat yield model development
R Tripathy, KN Chaudhary, R Nigam, KR Manjunath, P Chauhan, SS Ray, ...
The international archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial …, 2014
Investigating the hubble tension through hubble parameter data
RK Thakur, S Gupta, R Nigam, PK Thiruvikraman
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 23 (6), 065017, 2023
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