受强制性开放获取政策约束的文章 - Nicolas Palix了解详情
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WYSIWIB: exploiting fine‐grained program structure in a scriptable API‐usage protocol‐finding process
JL Lawall, J Brunel, N Palix, RR Hansen, H Stuart, G Muller
Software: Practice and Experience 43 (1), 67-92, 2013
强制性开放获取政策: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
可在其他位置公开访问的文章:1 篇
Provable multicore schedulers with Ipanema: application to work conservation
B Lepers, R Gouicem, D Carver, JP Lozi, N Palix, MV Aponte, ...
Proceedings of the Fifteenth European Conference on Computer Systems, 1-16, 2020
强制性开放获取政策: Swiss National Science Foundation