Jisma M
Forecasting of wind speed using ANN, ARIMA and Hybrid models
KR Nair, V Vanitha, M Jisma
2017 international conference on intelligent computing, instrumentation and …, 2017
Realistic energy commitments in peer-to-peer transactive market with risk adjusted prosumer welfare maximization
V Mohan, S Bu, M Jisma, VC Rijinlal, K Thirumala, MS Thomas, Z Xu
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 124, 106377, 2021
Risk-Calibrated conventional-renewable generation mix using master-slave portfolio approach guided by flexible investor preferencing
M Jisma, V Mohan, MS Thomas
Energy 245, 123261, 2022
Reactive power management of a grid connected SCIG using STATCOM
KJ Aparna, MR Sindhu, M Jisma
2017 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies …, 2017
Optimal placement and sizing of harmonic and reactive compensators in interconnected systems
MR Sindhu, M Jisma, P Maya, P Krishnapriya, V Mohan
2018 15th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), 1-6, 2018
Pre-determination of system design adequacy in PV installation
S Sajeesh, S Nithin, M Jisma, SK Kottayil
2016 Biennial International Conference on Power and Energy Systems: Towards …, 2016
Tail risk adjusted clean energy portfolios in P2P transactive markets using Rachev ratio
M Jisma, V Mohan, MS Thomas, K Thirumala
Energy Conversion and Economics 4 (2), 105-122, 2023
Policy assistance for adoption of residential solar PV in India: A stakeholder-centric approach for welfare optimization
V Mohan, HR DS, G Patil, M Jisma, RC Unni, K Nandakumar, K Thirumala, ...
Energy Reports 8, 197-206, 2022
Multi‐stage energy‐risk adjustments using practical byzantine fault tolerance consensus for blockchain‐powered peer‐to‐peer transactive markets
V Mohan, V Dhinakaran, M Gangadharan, A Modekurti
Energy Conversion and Economics 4 (4), 252-266, 2023
Risk Adjusted Optimal Energy Asset Allocation In Residential Community with Rooftop Solar PV
A Tandon, V Mohan, M Jisma
2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference (NPSC), 47-52, 2022
Treynor Ratio guided risk-return model for TSO-DSO mutualism considering energy and price volatility
M Jisma, V Mohan, MS Thomas, S Bu
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 32, 100852, 2022
Tuning of renewable energy bids based on energy risk management: Enhanced microgrids with pareto‐optimal profits for the utility and prosumers
V Mohan, AM Antonis, N Krishnakumar, S Bu
Energy Conversion and Economics 3 (3), 156-169, 2022
Risk-Return Optimised Energy Asset Allocation in Transmission-Distribution System Using Tangency Portfolio and Black-Litterman Model
MST Jisma M, Vivek Mohan
IET Energy Systems Integration, 2023
Probabilistic Evaluation of System Adequacy with Variations in Load Demand, Renewable Energy and Generator Topology
VSA Gedda, V Mohan, M Jisma
TENCON 2019-2019 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 171-175, 2019
Solar Photo Voltaic Based Power Supply for a Cyber Physical System
R Gowtham, M Jisma, SK Kottayil
2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy …, 2018
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