Compensatory growth and sexual maturity in broiler females reared under severe food restriction from day of hatching T Brody, Y Eitan, M Soller, I Nir, Z Nitsan British Poultry Science 21 (6), 437-446, 1980 | 133 | 1980 |
Effect of diet and early quantitative feed restriction on the minimum weight requirement for onset of sexual maturity in White Rock broiler breeders M Soller, Y Eitan, T Brody Poultry Science 63 (6), 1255-1261, 1984 | 82 | 1984 |
Minimum weight for onset of sexual maturity in female chickens: heritability and phenotypic and genetic correlations with early growth rate M Soller, T Brody, Y Eitan, T Agursky, C Wexler Poultry Science 63 (11), 2103-2113, 1984 | 42 | 1984 |
Comb size and estrogen levels toward the onset of lay in broiler and layer strain females under ad libitum and restricted feeding Y Eitan, M Soller, I Rozenboim Poultry Science 77 (11), 1593-1600, 1998 | 40 | 1998 |
Why does selection for liveweight gain increase fat deposition? A model M Soller, Y Eitan World's Poultry Science Journal 40 (1), 5-9, 1984 | 36 | 1984 |
Body composition and reproductive performance at entry into lay of anno 1980 versus anno 2000 broiler breeder females under fast and slow release from feed restriction Y Eitan, E Lipkin, M Soller Poultry science 93 (5), 1227-1235, 2014 | 27 | 2014 |
Two-Way Selection for Threshold Body Weight at First Egg in Broiler Strain Females.: 2. Effect of Supplemental Light on Weight and Age at First Egg Y Eitan, M Soller Poultry Science 70 (10), 2017-2022, 1991 | 22 | 1991 |
Selection induced genetic variation: A new model to explain direct and indirect effects of sixty years of commercial selection for juvenile growth rate in broiler chickens … Y Eitan, M Soller Evolutionary Theory and Processes: Modern Horizons: Papers in Honour of …, 2004 | 21 | 2004 |
Selection for High and Low Threshold Body Weight at First Egg in Broiler Strain Females.: 4. Photoperiodic Drive in the Selection Lines and in Commercial Layers and Broiler … Y EITAN, M SOLLER Poultry science 73 (6), 769-780, 1994 | 21 | 1994 |
Effect of photoperiod and quantitative feed restriction in a broiler strain on onset of lay in females and onset of semen production in males: a genetic hypothesis Y Eitan, M Soller Poultry Science 80 (10), 1397-1405, 2001 | 18 | 2001 |
Selection for High and Low Threshold Body Weight at First Egg in Broiler Strain Females.: 1. Direct Response to Selection and Correlated Effects on Juvenile Growth Rate and Age … Y Eitan, M Soller Poultry science 70 (6), 1297-1305, 1991 | 18 | 1991 |
Problems associated with broiler breeder entry into lay: a review and hypothesis Y Eitan, M Soller World's Poultry Science Journal 65 (4), 641-648, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |
Two-Way Selection for Threshold Body Weight at First Egg in Broiler Strain Females.: 3. Reproductive Performance Under Various Levels of Feed Restriction Y Eitan, M Soller Poultry science 72 (10), 1813-1822, 1993 | 17 | 1993 |
Evolutionary Theory and Processes: Modern Horizons, Papers in Honour of Eviatar Nevo Y Eitan, M Soller, SP Wasser Ed SP Wasser. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic, 153-176, 2004 | 8 | 2004 |
Associated effects of sixty years of commercial selection for juvenile growth rate in broiiler chickens: endo/exophysiological, or genetic? Y Eitan, M Soller | 8 | 2002 |
Growth and the onset of sexual maturity in chickens. M Soller, T Brody, Y Eitan, T Agursky | 8 | 1982 |
Poultry breeding: the broiler chicken as a harbinger of the future Y Eitan, M Soller Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. New York: Springer …, 2012 | 7* | 2012 |
Two-Way Selection for Threshold Body Weight at First Egg in Broiler Strain Females.: 5. Replication of Results in a Two-Generation Selection Experiment Y Eitan, M Soller Poultry science 74 (10), 1561-1565, 1995 | 6 | 1995 |
Effect of light and selection on weight and age at first egg Y Eitan, M Soller Proceedings of the 19th World's Poultry Congress, World's Poultry Science …, 1992 | 6 | 1992 |
Selection for high and low threshold body weight at first egg in broiler strain females. 6. Threshold weight for onset of photosensitivity in females of the selection lines Y EITAN, M SOLLER Poultry science 75 (4), 459-463, 1996 | 5 | 1996 |