Nancy Dewi Yuliana
Nancy Dewi Yuliana
Department of Food Science and Technology Bogor Agricultural University
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Metabolomics for bioactivity assessment of natural products
ND Yuliana, A Khatib, YH Choi, R Verpoorte
Phytotherapy Research 25 (2), 157-169, 2011
Kapasitas Antioksidan Dan Inhibitor Alfa Glukosidase Ekstrak Umbi Bawang Dayak [Antioxidant and Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitory Properties of Bawang Dayak Bulb Extracts]
AE Febrinda, M Astawan, T Wresdiyati, ND Yuliana
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 24 (2), 161-161, 2013
Comprehensive extraction method integrated with NMR metabolomics-a new bioactivity screening method for plants: adenosine A1 receptor binding compounds in Orthosiphon stamineus …
ND Yuliana, A Khatib, R Verpoorte, YH Choi
Analytical chemistry, 2011
Adenosine A receptor binding activity of methoxy flavonoids from Orthosiphon stamineus
ND Yuliana, A Khatib, AMR Link-Struensee, AP Ijzerman, ...
Planta medica 75 (2), 132-136, 2009
Emulsifying properties and antioxidant activity of soy protein isolate conjugated with tea polyphenol extracts
AUP Djuardi, ND Yuliana, M Ogawa, T Akazawa, MT Suhartono
Journal of Food Science and Technology 57, 3591-3600, 2020
Metabolomics for the rapid dereplication of bioactive compounds from natural sources
ND Yuliana, M Jahangir, R Verpoorte, YH Choi
Phytochemistry reviews 12, 293-304, 2013
Hyperglycemic control and diabetes complication preventive activities of Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia L. Merr.) bulbs extracts in alloxan-diabetic rats.
AE Febrinda, ND Yuliana, E Ridwan, T Wresdiyati, M Astawan
International Food Research Journal 21 (4), 2014
Comprehensive review on herbal medicine for energy intake suppression
ND Yuliana, M Jahangir, H Korthout, YH Choi, HK Kim, R Verpoorte
Obesity reviews 12 (7), 499-514, 2011
Physicochemical differences and sensory profiling of six lai (Durio kutejensis) and four durian (Durio zibethinus) cultivars indigenous Indonesia
M Belgis, CH Wijaya, A Apriyantono, B Kusbiantoro, ND Yuliana
International Food Research Journal 23 (4), 1466, 2016
Screening of selected Asian spices for anti obesity-related bioactivities
ND Yuliana, M Iqbal, M Jahangir, CH Wijaya, H Korthout, M Kottenhage, ...
Food Chemistry 126 (4), 1724-1729, 2011
Identification of bioactive metabolites against adenosine A1 receptor using NMR-based metabolomics
K Ali, M Iqbal, ND Yuliana, YJ Lee, S Park, S Han, JW Lee, HS Lee, ...
Metabolomics 9, 778-785, 2013
Development of rice analog as a food diversification vehicle in Indonesia
S Budijanto, ND Yuliana
Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture 10 (1), 7-14, 2015
Volatiles and aroma characterization of several lai (Durio kutejensis) and durian (Durio zibethinus) cultivars grown in Indonesia
M Belgis, CH Wijaya, A Apriyantono, B Kusbiantoro, ND Yuliana
Scientia horticulturae 220, 291-298, 2017
Daftar Referensi Bahan-bahan yang Memiliki Titik Kritis Halal dan Substitusi Bahan Non-Halal
I Jaswir, EA Rahayu, ND Yuliana, A Roswiem
Antioxidant and antidiabetic compounds identification in several Indonesian underutilized Zingiberaceae spices using SPME-GC/MS-based volatilomics and in silico methods
F Tunnisa, DN Faridah, A Afriyanti, D Rosalina, MA Syabana, ...
Food Chemistry: X 14, 100285, 2022
Karakterisasi dan indeks glikemik beras analog berbahan dasar tepung jagung
M Kurniawati, S Budijanto, ND Yuliana
Jurnal Gizi Dan Pangan 11 (3), 169-174, 2016
NMR metabolomics for identification of adenosine A1 receptor binding compounds from Boesenbergia rotunda rhizomes extract
ND Yuliana, S Budijanto, R Verpoorte, YH Choi
Journal of ethnopharmacology 150 (1), 95-99, 2013
Volatilomics for halal and non-halal meatball authentication using solid-phase microextraction–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
AW Pranata, ND Yuliana, L Amalia, N Darmawan
Arabian Journal of Chemistry 14 (5), 103146, 2021
Metabolomics approach for determining potential metabolites correlated with sensory attributes of Melaleuca cajuputi essential oil, a promising flavor ingredient
S Septiana, ND Yuliana, BM Bachtiar, SP Putri, E Fukusaki, WA Laviña, ...
Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 129 (5), 581-587, 2020
Aktivitas antioksidan pada beras berpigmen dan dampaknya terhadap kesehatan
AS Arifin, ND Yuliana, M Rafi
Pangan 28 (1), 11-22, 2019
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