Jérôme Lemaître
Jérôme Lemaître
Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs
在 mffp.gouv.qc.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Use of multiple modes of flight subsidy by a soaring terrestrial bird, the golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, when on migration
TE Katzner, PJ Turk, AE Duerr, TA Miller, MJ Lanzone, JL Cooper, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (112), 20150530, 2015
Foraging patterns of pileated woodpeckers in a managed Acadian forest: a resource selection function
J Lemaître, MA Villard
Canadian journal of forest research 35 (10), 2387-2393, 2005
Landscape-scale disturbances modified bird community dynamics in successional forest environment
Q Zhao, ET Azeria, ML Le Blanc, J Lemaître, D Fortin
PloS one 8 (11), e81358, 2013
Deer mice mediate red-backed vole behaviour and abundance along a gradient of habitat alteration
J Lemaître, D Fortin, DW Morris, M Darveau
Evolutionary Ecology Research 12 (2), 203-216, 2010
Fine‐scale structure and cross‐taxon congruence of bird and beetle assemblages in an old‐growth boreal forest mosaic
ET Azeria, D Fortin, J Lemaître, P Janssen, C Hébert, M Darveau, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 18 (3), 333-345, 2009
Stable hydrogen isotopes identify leapfrog migration, degree of connectivity, and summer distribution of Golden Eagles in eastern North America
DM Nelson, M Braham, TA Miller, AE Duerr, J Cooper, M Lanzone, ...
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 117 (3), 414-429, 2015
Bot fly parasitism of the red-backed vole: host survival, infection risk, and population growth
J Lemaître, D Fortin, PO Montiglio, M Darveau
Oecologia 159, 283-294, 2009
Multiscale assessment of the influence of habitat structure and composition on bird assemblages in boreal forest
J Lemaître, M Darveau, Q Zhao, D Fortin
Biodiversity and Conservation 21, 3355-3368, 2012
Known breeding distribution and abundance of Golden Eagles in eastern North America
F Morneau, JA Tremblay, C Todd, TE Chubbs, C Maisonneuve, ...
Northeastern Naturalist 22 (2), 236-247, 2015
The management utility of large-scale environmental drivers of bat mortality at wind energy facilities: The effects of facility size, elevation and geographic location
KA MacGregor, J Lemaître
Global Ecology and Conservation 21, e00871, 2020
Effects of wind energy production on a threatened species, the Bicknell’s Thrush Catharus bicknelli, with and without mitigation
J Lemaitre, V Lamarre
Bird conservation international 30 (2), 194-209, 2020
Bat mortality caused by wind turbines: review of impacts and mitigation measures
J Lemaître, K MacGregor, N Tessier, A Simard, J Desmeules, C Poussart, ...
Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs. Quebec, Canadá. DOI 10, 2017
Threatened, vulnerable and helpless: fear of crime in Flanders. 1998–2002
M Elchardus, W Smits, J Lemaître, H Van Geel
Flanders estimated, 99-136, 2003
Robust predictive performance of indicator species despite different co-occurrence patterns of birds in natural and managed boreal forests
Q Zhao, THE Mason, ET Azeria, ML Le Blanc, J Lemaître, F Barnier, ...
Forest ecology and management 397, 108-116, 2017
Captures accidentelles d’aigles royaux et de pygargues à tête blanche par les trappeurs d’animaux à fourrure au Québec
G Fitzgerald, JA Tremblay, J Lemaître, A St-Louis
Le Naturaliste canadien 139 (1), 82-89, 2015
Revue des applications et de l’utilité des drones en conservation de la faune
P Charbonneau, J Lemaître
Le Naturaliste canadien 145 (2), 3-34, 2021
Interannual consistency of migration phenology is season-and breeding region-specific in North American Golden Eagles
LD Maynard, JF Therrien, J Lemaître, T Booms, TA Miller, T Katzner, ...
Ornithology 139 (4), ukac029, 2022
L’EROP: 10 ans pour le rétablissement des oiseaux de proie au Québec
A St-Louis, I Gauthier, S Beaudet, L Deschênes, A Forest, P Fradette, ...
Le Naturaliste canadien 139 (1), 90-95, 2015
Abondance et répartition de l’aigle royal au Québec
F Morneau, JA Tremblay, J Lemaître
Le Naturaliste canadien 139 (1), 38-43, 2015
Déterminants de la répartition des oiseaux et des micromammifères en forêt boréale naturelle et aménagée
J Lemaître
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