Izaskun Etxeberria Uztarroz
Izaskun Etxeberria Uztarroz
Teacher/researcher, IXA group, University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU
在 ehu.eus 的电子邮件经过验证
Evaluating the noisy channel model for the normalization of historical texts: Basque, Spanish and Slovene
I Etxeberria, I Alegria, L Uria, M Hulden
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Porting Basque Morphological Grammars to foma, an Open-Source Tool
I Alegria, I Etxeberria, M Hulden, M Maritxalar
Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing: 8th International …, 2010
Análisis básico de circuitos eléctricos y electrónicos
T Ruiz Vázquez, O Arbelaitz Gallego, I Etxeberria Uztarroz, A Ibarra Lasa
Pearson Educación, 2004
Learning word-level dialectal variation as phonological replacement rules using a limited parallel corpus
M Hulden, I Alegria, I Etxeberria, M Maritxalar
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Algorithms and Resources for Modelling …, 2011
Learning to map variation-standard forms in Basque using a limited parallel corpus and the standard morphology
I Etxeberria, I Alegria, M Hulden, L Uria
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 13-20, 2014
Weighted finite-state transducers for normalization of historical texts
I Etxeberria, I Alegria, L Uria
Natural Language Engineering 25 (2), 307-321, 2019
Ehu at the sigmorphon 2016 shared task. a simple proposal: Grapheme-to-phoneme for inflection
I Alegria, I Etxeberria
Proceedings of the 14th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in …, 2016
Una Cascada de Transductores Simples para Normalizar Tweets.
I Alegria, I Etxeberria, G Labaka
Tweet-Norm@ SEPLN, 15-19, 2013
Spelling Normalisation of Basque Historical Texts
A Estarrona, I Etxeberria, A Soraluze, M Padilla
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 63, 59-66, 2019
Combining Phonology and Morphology for the Normalization of Historical Texts
I Etxeberria, I Alegria, L Uria, M Hulden
Proceedings of the 10th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural …, 2016
The first annotated corpus of historical Basque
A Estarrona, I Etxeberria, A Soraluze, R Etxepare, M Padilla-Moyano
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 37 (2), 391-404, 2022
Dealing with dialectal variation in the construction of the Basque historical corpus
A Estarrona, I Etxeberria, R Etxepare, M Padilla-Moyano, A Soraluze
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and …, 2020
Morfología de estados finitos en software libre: aplicación al euskera
I Alegria, I Etxeberria, N Ezeiza, M Maritxalar
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 43, 359-360, 2009
Recursos y métodos de sustitución léxica en las variantes dialectales en euskera
L Uria, M Hulden, I Etxeberria, I Alegria
Proceedings of the Workshop on Iberian Cross-Language NLP tasks, 70-76, 2011
Errores ortográficos y de competencia en textos de la web en euskera
I Alegria, I Etxeberria, I Leturia
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, 137-144, 2010
Measuring language distance for historical texts in Basque
A Estarrona, I Etxeberria, M Padilla-Moyano, A Soraluze
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 70, 53-61, 2023
Cálculo de distancia lingüística para textos históricos en euskera
M Padilla, A Soraluze, AE Ibarloza, IE Uztarroz
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, 53-61, 2023
Sintaktikoki etiketatutako euskarazko corpus historikoa eraikitzen
A Estarrona, I Etxeberria, R Etxepare, M Padilla, A Soraluze
Fontes Linguae Vasconum 50 urte: ekarpen berriak euskararen ikerketari …, 2020
Building a Syntactically Annotated Historical Corpus of Basque
A Estarrona, R Etxepare, MP Moyano, A Soraluze, I Etxeberria
Fontes Linguae Vasconum, 2020
Computational Techniques for Normalization and Analysis of Basque Historical Texts
A Estarrona, I Etxeberria, R Etxepare, C Mounole, A Sarasola, ...
HICOV-Historical Corpora and Variation, 2019
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