David M Logue
David M Logue
Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Lethbridge
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Population differentiation in a complex bird sound: a comparison of three bioacoustical analysis procedures
MC Baker, DM Logue
Ethology 109 (3), 223-242, 2003
Duet song and sex roles during territory defence in a tropical bird, the black-bellied wren, Thryothorus fasciatoventris
DM Logue, DE Gammon
Animal Behaviour 68 (4), 721-731, 2004
Constrained performance in a communication network: implications for the function of song-type matching and for the evolution of multiple ornaments
DM Logue, W Forstmeier
The American Naturalist 172 (1), 34-41, 2008
Does signalling mitigate the cost of agonistic interactions? A test in a cricket that has lost its song
DM Logue, IO Abiola, D Rains, NW Bailey, M Zuk, WH Cade
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1693), 2571-2575, 2010
Migration and the evolution of duetting in songbirds
DM Logue, ML Hall
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1782), 20140103, 2014
Cooperative defence in duet singing birds
DM Logue
Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 2005
A locally funded Puerto Rican parrot (Amazona vittata) genome sequencing project increases avian data and advances young researcher education
TK Oleksyk, JF Pombert, D Siu, A Mazo-Vargas, B Ramos, W Guiblet, ...
GigaScience 1 (1), 2047-217X-1-14, 2012
The duet code of the female black-bellied wren
DM Logue
The Condor 108 (2), 326-335, 2006
A behavioral syndrome linking courtship behavior toward males and females predicts reproductive success from a single mating in the hissing cockroach, Gromphadorhina portentosa
DM Logue, S Mishra, D McCaffrey, D Ball, WH Cade
Behavioral Ecology 20 (4), 781-788, 2009
The bold and the spineless: invertebrate personalities
JA Mather, DM Logue
Animal personalities: Behavior, physiology, and evolution, 13-35, 2013
Duetting as a collective behavior
DM Logue, DB Krupp
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4, 7, 2016
Duetting in space: a radio-telemetry study of the black-bellied wren
DM Logue
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1628), 3005-3010, 2007
The behavioural mechanisms underlying temporal coordination in black-bellied wren duets
DM Logue, C Chalmers, AH Gowland
Animal Behaviour 75 (5), 1803-1808, 2008
How do they duet? Sexually dimorphic behavioural mechanisms structure duet songs in the black-bellied wren
DM Logue
Animal Behaviour 73 (1), 105-113, 2007
Typical males and unconventional females: songs and singing behaviors of a tropical, duetting oriole in the breeding and non-breeding season
KJ Odom, KE Omland, DR McCaffrey, MK Monroe, JL Christhilf, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4, 14, 2016
Developmental environment affects risk-acceptance in the hissing cockroach, Gromphadorhina portentosa.
S Mishra, DM Logue, IO Abiola, WH Cade
Journal of comparative psychology 125 (1), 40, 2011
Sexually antithetical song structure in a duet singing wren
DM Logue, EE Droessler, DW Roscoe, JR Vokey, D Rendall, ...
Behaviour, 331-350, 2007
Duetting behavior varies with sex, season, and singing role in a tropical oriole (Icterus icterus)
KJ Odom, DM Logue, CE Studds, MK Monroe, SK Campbell, KE Omland
Behavioral Ecology 28 (5), 1256-1265, 2017
A comparison of three noise reduction procedures applied to bird vocal signals
MC Baker, DM Logue
Journal of Field Ornithology 78 (3), 240-253, 2007
Squawk in interaction: a primer of conversation analysis for students of animal communication
DM Logue, T Stivers
Behaviour 149 (13-14), 1283-1298, 2012
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