Policy instruments for environmental and natural resource management, Second Edition T Sterner, J Coria Resources for the Future, 2012 | 1292* | 2012 |
Ecotourism and the development of indigenous communities: The good, the bad, and the ugly J Coria, E Calfucura Ecological Economics 73, 47-55, 2012 | 639 | 2012 |
Policy design for the Anthropocene T Sterner, EB Barbier, I Bateman, I van den Bijgaart, AS Crépin, ... Nature Sustainability 2 (1), 14-21, 2019 | 265 | 2019 |
Prices vs quantities with multiple pollutants S Ambec, J Coria Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 66 (1), 123-140, 2013 | 109 | 2013 |
Divergence in stakeholders' preferences: Evidence from a choice experiment on forest landscapes preferences in Sweden A Nordén, J Coria, AM Jönsson, F Lagergren, V Lehsten Ecological Economics 132, 179-195, 2017 | 85 | 2017 |
Taxes, permits, and the diffusion of a new technology J Coria Resource and Energy Economics 31 (4), 249-271, 2009 | 73 | 2009 |
Air pollution dynamics and the need for temporally differentiated road pricing J Coria, J Bonilla, M Grundström, H Pleijel Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 75, 178-195, 2015 | 66 | 2015 |
On the interaction between imperfect compliance and technology adoption: taxes versus tradable emissions permits C Villegas-Palacio, J Coria Journal of Regulatory Economics 38, 274-291, 2010 | 62* | 2010 |
Land use of drained peatlands: Greenhouse gas fluxes, plant production, and economics Å Kasimir, H He, J Coria, A Nordén Global change biology 24 (8), 3302-3316, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Tradable permits in developing countries: Evidence from air pollution in chile J Coria, T Sterner The Journal of Environment & Development 19 (2), 145-170, 2010 | 54* | 2010 |
Has forest certification reduced forest degradation in Sweden? L Villalobos, J Coria, A Nordén Land Economics 94 (2), 220-238, 2018 | 52* | 2018 |
Interactions between CAP Agricultural and Agri‐Environmental Subsidies and Their Effects on the Uptake of Organic Farming MM Jaime, J Coria, X Liu American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98 (4), 1114-1145, 2016 | 52 | 2016 |
Natural resource management: Challenges and policy options J Coria, T Sterner Annu. Rev. Resour. Econ. 3 (1), 203-230, 2011 | 52 | 2011 |
Policy spillovers in the regulation of multiple pollutants S Ambec, J Coria Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 87, 114-134, 2018 | 51 | 2018 |
Transaction Costs of Upstream Versus Downstream Pricing of CO2 Emissions J Coria, J Jaraitė Environmental and resource economics 72 (4), 965-1001, 2019 | 42* | 2019 |
Optimal environmental road pricing and daily commuting patterns J Coria, XB Zhang Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 105, 297-314, 2017 | 39 | 2017 |
Environmental policy, fuel prices and the switching to natural gas in Santiago, Chile J Coria Ecological Economics 68 (11), 2877-2884, 2009 | 37 | 2009 |
Refunded emission payments and diffusion of NOx abatement technologies in Sweden J Bonilla, J Coria, K Mohlin, T Sterner Ecological Economics 116, 132-145, 2015 | 31 | 2015 |
Does the scientific knowledge reflect the chemical diversity of environmental pollution?–A twenty-year perspective E Kristiansson, J Coria, L Gunnarsson, M Gustavsson Environmental Science & Policy 126, 90-98, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |
Interjurisdictional externalities, overlapping policies and NOx pollution control in Sweden J Coria, M Hennlock, T Sterner Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 107, 102444, 2021 | 30* | 2021 |