Cristian Castillo Gutierrez
Cristian Castillo Gutierrez
Profesor Lector UOC
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The six emotional stages of organizational change
C Castillo, V Fernandez, JM Sallan
Journal of organizational change management 31 (3), 468-493, 2018
Relationships between the dimensions of organizational justice and students’ satisfaction in university contexts
C Castillo, V Fernández Alarcón
Intangible Capital 13 (2), 282-301, 2017
COVID-19 lockdown as an opportunity to rethink urban freight distribution: Lessons from the Barcelona metropolitan area
C Castillo, M Viu-Roig, EJ Alvarez-Palau
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 14, 100605, 2022
Is there a theory of supply chain resilience? A bibliometric analysis of the literature
C Castillo
International journal of operations & production management 43 (1), 22-47, 2022
The workers' perspective: emotional consequences during a lean manufacturing change based on VSM analysis
C Castillo
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 33 (9), 19-39, 2022
Promoting sustainable and intelligent freight transportation systems in the barcelona metropolitan area
L Calvet, EJ Alvarez-Palau, M Viu, C Castillo, P Copado, AA Juan
Transportation Research Procedia 58, 408-415, 2021
Evolución de la logística: pasado, presente y futuro
MV Roig, C Castillo
Oikonomics: Revista de economía, empresa y sociedad 17, 1-8, 2022
Six emotional stages of organisational change: Conceptualisation and scale development
C Castillo
Economics and Sociology 15 (1), 253-267, 2022
A Markovian-based simulation model for the evolution of employees’ emotional states during an organizational change
C Castillo, V Fernandez, O Lordan
Polish Journal of Management Studies 23 (1), 119-135, 2021
Guia per a l’elaboració de Plans de Logística Urbana Sostenibles
CC EJ Alvarez-Palau, M Viu
Diputació de Barcelona. Eines: Urbanisme i Habitatge, 9, 2021
Home healthcare in Spanish rural areas: Applying vehicle routing algorithms to health transport management
C Castillo, EJ Alvarez-Palau, L Calvet, J Panadero, M Viu-Roig, ...
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 92, 101828, 2024
Tackling urban freight distribution: A public-private perspective
C Castillo, M Viu-Roig, M Nicolàs, EJ Alvarez-Palau
Research in Transportation Business & Management 53, 101105, 2024
Reptes i estratègies per a una cadena de subministrament resilient i sostenible
EJ Àlvarez-Palau, C Castillo
Revista econòmica de Catalunya, 43-48, 2023
Locational factors of logistics platforms in the era of e-commerce: a preliminary assessment from the Spanish case
EJ Alvarez-Palau, C Méndez-Ortega, CC Gutiérrez
Transportation Research Procedia 72, 1990-1997, 2023
Health Care Logistics in Depopulated Mountainous Areas: the case of Lleida's Pyrenees
C Castillo, L Calvet, J Panadero, EJ Alvarez-Palau, MV Roig, AA Juan
Transportation Research Procedia 71, 109-116, 2023
Repensant la distribució urbana de mercaderies per a l’era de l’e-commerce
CC Gutiérrez, MV Roig, EJA Palau
Oikonomics. Revista d'economia, empresa i societat, 1-8, 2022
Evolució de la logística: passat, present i futur
MV Roig, CC Gutiérrez
Oikonomics. Revista d'economia, empresa i societat, 2022
Emotional states of the individual in a process of organizational change
C Castillo Gutiérrez
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2017
Repensando la distribución urbana de mercancías para la era del e-commerce
C Castillo, MV Roig, EJ Álvarez-Palau
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