Ben M. Harvey
Topographic representation of numerosity in the human parietal cortex
BM Harvey, BP Klein, N Petridou, SO Dumoulin
Science 341 (6150), 1123-1126, 2013
The relationship between cortical magnification factor and population receptive field size in human visual cortex: constancies in cortical architecture
BM Harvey, SO Dumoulin
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (38), 13604-13612, 2011
Topographic representations of object size and relationships with numerosity reveal generalized quantity processing in human parietal cortex
BM Harvey, A Fracasso, N Petridou, SO Dumoulin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (44), 13525-13530, 2015
Attraction of position preference by spatial attention throughout human visual cortex
BP Klein, BM Harvey, SO Dumoulin
Neuron 84 (1), 227-237, 2014
Modeling center–surround configurations in population receptive fields using fMRI
W Zuiderbaan, BM Harvey, SO Dumoulin
Journal of vision 12 (3), 10-10, 2012
A network of topographic numerosity maps in human association cortex
BM Harvey, SO Dumoulin
Nature Human Behaviour 1 (2), 0036, 2017
Frequency specific spatial interactions in human electrocorticography: V1 alpha oscillations reflect surround suppression
BM Harvey, MJ Vansteensel, CH Ferrier, N Petridou, W Zuiderbaan, ...
Neuroimage 65, 424-432, 2013
Connective field modeling
KV Haak, J Winawer, BM Harvey, R Renken, SO Dumoulin, BA Wandell, ...
Neuroimage 66, 376-384, 2013
Radial asymmetries in population receptive field size and cortical magnification factor in early visual cortex
MF Silva, JW Brascamp, S Ferreira, M Castelo-Branco, SO Dumoulin, ...
NeuroImage 167, 41-52, 2018
Action preparation shapes processing in early visual cortex
TP Gutteling, N Petridou, SO Dumoulin, BM Harvey, EJ Aarnoutse, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (16), 6472-6480, 2015
A network of topographic maps in human association cortex hierarchically transforms visual timing-selective responses
BM Harvey, SO Dumoulin, A Fracasso, JM Paul
Current Biology 30 (8), 1424-1434. e6, 2020
Cortical connective field estimates from resting state fMRI activity
N Gravel, B Harvey, B Nordhjem, KV Haak, SO Dumoulin, R Renken, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 8, 339, 2014
Can responses to basic non-numerical visual features explain neural numerosity responses?
BM Harvey, SO Dumoulin
Neuroimage 149, 200-209, 2017
Measurement of population receptive fields in human early visual cortex using back-projection tomography
CA Greene, SO Dumoulin, BM Harvey, D Ress
Journal of vision 14 (1), 17-17, 2014
In vivo evidence of functional and anatomical stripe-based subdivisions in human V2 and V3
SO Dumoulin, BM Harvey, A Fracasso, W Zuiderbaan, PR Luijten, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 733, 2017
Numerosity tuning in human association cortices and local image contrast representations in early visual cortex
JM Paul, M van Ackooij, TC Ten Cate, BM Harvey
Nature Communications 13 (1), 1340, 2022
Visual motion transforms visual space representations similarly throughout the human visual hierarchy
BM Harvey, SO Dumoulin
Neuroimage 127, 173-185, 2016
Comparing parietal quantity-processing mechanisms between humans and macaques
BM Harvey, S Ferri, GA Orban
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 21 (10), 779-793, 2017
Transformation from a retinal to a cyclopean representation in human visual cortex
M Barendregt, BM Harvey, B Rokers, SO Dumoulin
Current Biology 25 (15), 1982-1987, 2015
Topographic numerosity maps cover subitizing and estimation ranges
Y Cai, S Hofstetter, J van Dijk, W Zuiderbaan, W van der Zwaag, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 3374, 2021
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