Intrigue: personalized recommendation of tourist attractions for desktop and hand held devices L Ardissono, A Goy, G Petrone, M Segnan, P Torasso Applied artificial intelligence 17 (8-9), 687-714, 2003 | 546 | 2003 |
A spectrum of logical definitions of model‐based diagnosis 1 L Console, P Torasso Computational intelligence 7 (3), 133-141, 1991 | 412 | 1991 |
On the relationship between abduction and deduction L Console, DT Dupré, P Torasso Journal of Logic and Computation 1 (5), 661-690, 1991 | 395 | 1991 |
User modeling and recommendation techniques for personalized electronic program guides L Ardissono, C Gena, P Torasso, F Bellifemine, A Difino, B Negro Personalized Digital Television: Targeting Programs to Individual Viewers, 3-26, 2004 | 251 | 2004 |
A Theory of Diagnosis for Incomplete Causal Models. L Console, DT Dupre, P Torasso IJCAI, 1311-1317, 1989 | 202 | 1989 |
Diagnostic problem solving: Combining heuristic, approximate and causal reasoning P Torasso, L Console John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1989 | 192 | 1989 |
Hypothetical reasoning in causal models L Console, P Torasso International Journal of Intelligent Systems 5 (1), 83-124, 1990 | 116 | 1990 |
Integrating models of correct behavior into abductive diagnosis L Console, P Torasso Proceeding of the 9th European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 90 …, 1990 | 104 | 1990 |
Tailoring the recommendation of tourist information to heterogeneous user groups L Ardissono, A Goy, G Petrone, M Segnan, P Torasso Hypermedia: Openness, Structural Awareness, and Adaptivity: International …, 2002 | 96 | 2002 |
Evidence combination in expert systems L Lesmo, L Saitta, P Torasso International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 22 (3), 307-326, 1985 | 90 | 1985 |
Syntax and semantics in a word-sequence recognition system S Rivoira, P Torasso ICASSP'79. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 1979 | 85 | 1979 |
On the co-operation between abductive and temporal reasoning in medical diagnosis L Console, P Torasso Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 3 (6), 291-311, 1991 | 78 | 1991 |
Multi-modal diagnosis combining case-based and model-based reasoning: a formal and experimental analysis L Portinale, D Magro, P Torasso Artificial Intelligence 158 (2), 109-153, 2004 | 76 | 2004 |
Personalized recommendation of TV programs L Ardissono, C Gena, P Torasso, F Bellifemine, A Chiarotto, A Difino, ... Congress of the italian association for artificial intelligence, 474-486, 2003 | 71 | 2003 |
Architecture of a system for the generation of personalized Electronic Program Guides L Ardissono, F Portis, P Torasso, F Bellifemine, A Chiarotto, A Difino Workshop on Personalization in Future TV, 2001 | 66 | 2001 |
A configurable system for the construction of adaptive virtual stores L Ardissono, A Goy, R Meo, G Petrone, L Console, L Lesmo, C Simone, ... World Wide Web 2, 143-159, 1999 | 65 | 1999 |
On-line monitoring and diagnosis of multi-agent systems: a model based approach R Micalizio, P Torasso, G Torta ECAI 16, 848, 2004 | 58 | 2004 |
Managing different time granularities of clinical information by an interval-based temporal data model C Combi, F Pinciroli, G Pozzi Methods of information in medicine 34 (05), 458-474, 1995 | 57 | 1995 |
Learning of fuzzy production rules for medical diagnosis L Lesmo, L Saitta, P Torasso Readings in Fuzzy Sets for Intelligent Systems, 901-912, 1993 | 55 | 1993 |
ADAPtER: an integrated diagnostic system combining case-based and abductive reasoning L Portinale, P Torasso Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: First International …, 1995 | 49 | 1995 |