Deep learning for the prediction of temperature time series in the lining of an electric arc furnace for structural health monitoring at Cerro Matoso (CMSA) JX Leon-Medina, RCG Vargas, C Gutierrez-Osorio, DAG Jimenez, ... Engineering Proceedings 2 (1), 23, 2020 | 9 | 2020 |
Data-driven classification of the chemical composition of calcine in a ferronickel furnace oven using machine learning techniques DAV Cardenas, JX Leon-Medina, EJL Pulgarin, JI Sofrony Results in Engineering 18, 101028, 2023 | 7 | 2023 |
A data cleaning approach for a structural health monitoring system in a 75 mw electric arc ferronickel furnace J Camacho-Olarte, JES Torres, DAG Jimenez, JXL Medina, RCG Vargas, ... Engineering Proceedings 2 (1), 21, 2020 | 7 | 2020 |
Data-driven fault detection in a thermocouple network using neighbouring redundancy, XGBoost classifier and up-down counter DAV Cárdenas, EJL Pulgarín, JI Sofrony IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023 | | 2023 |
Detección y Aislamiento de Fallas en una Red de Termopares Mediante Técnicas Basadas en Datos DA Velandia Cardenas Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 0 | | |