Barbara Gangai Zovko
Barbara Gangai Zovko
University of Dubrovnik, Research Assistant
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Pelagic cnidarians in the Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegro (South Adriatic)
B Pestorić, J Krpo-Ćetković, B Gangai, D Lučić
Acta Adriatica 53 (2), 289-300, 2012
Mass occurrence of the ctenophore Bolinopsis vitrea (L. Agassiz, 1860) in the nearshore Nouthern Adriatic Sea (Kotor Bay, Montenegro)
D Lučić, B Pestorić, A Malej, L Lopez-Lopez, D Drakulović, V Onofri, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 184 (4), 4777-4785, 2012
Interannual size changes of adult Aurelia sp. 5. Medusae stages in the marine protected area of Mljet Island, South Adriatic
T Kogovšek, JC Molinero, D Lučić, I Onofri, B Gangai, M Miloslavić, ...
Acta Adriatica 53 (2), 231-240, 2012
Mesh size effects on mesozooplankton community structure in a semi-enclosed coastal area and surrounding sea (South Adriatic Sea)
M Miloslavić, D Lučić, B Gangai, I Onofri
Marine Ecology 35 (4), 445-455, 2014
Zooplankton composition and distribution across coastal and offshore waters off Albania (Southern Adriatic) in late spring
M Miloslavić, D Lučić, J Njire, B Gangai, I Onofri, R Garić, M Žarić, ...
Acta Adriatica 53 (2), 163-178, 2012
Monografija alohtonih vrsta istočne obale južnog Jadrana - Kratki pregled vrsta i ekologije
V Mačić, D Lučić, B Gangai Zovko, D Drakulović, S Petović, M Mandić, ...
Integrated coastal zone management in the Adriatic Sea, 2014
A short-term investigation of diel vertical migrations of the calycophoran siphonophora in the open South Adriatic Sea (July 2003)
D Lučić, A Benović, M Batistic, M Morović, I Onofri, JC Molinero, ...
Acta Adriatica 52 (2), 159-171, 2011
The effect of temperature change and oxygen reduction on zooplankton composition and vertical distribution in a semi-enclosed marine system
D Lučić, M Hure, S Bobanović-Ćolić, J Njire, O Vidjak, I Onofri, ...
Marine biology research 15 (4-6), 325-342, 2019
The importance of vertical habitat gradients on zooplankton distribution in an enclosed marine environment (South Adriatic Sea)
M Miloslavić, D Lučić, M Žarić, B Gangai, I Onofri
Marine biology research 11 (5), 462-474, 2015
Zooplankton community in the Boka Kotorska Bay
B Pestorić, D Drakulović, M Hure, B Gangai Zovko, I Onofri, P Lučić, ...
The Boka Kotorska Bay Environment, 231-270, 2017
Composition and diel vertical distribution of euphausiid larvae (calyptopis stage) in the deep southern Adriatic
BG Zovko, D Lučić, M Hure, I Onofri, B Pestorić
Oceanologia 60 (2), 128-138, 2018
Population structure and diel vertical migration of euphausiid larvae in the open southern Adriatic Sea (July 2003)
B Gangai, D Lučić, M Morović, I Brautović, M Miloslavić
Crustaceana 85 (6), 659-684, 2012
Planktonic cnidarians in the open southern Adriatic Sea: a comparison of historical and recent data
D Lučić, A Benović, I Onofri, M Batistić, B Gangai, M Miloslavić, V Onofri, ...
Annales series historia naturalis 19 (2), 27-38, 2009
Signatures of pigments and processes in South Adriatic Sea – Project Meduza. Acta Adriatica
M Morović, V Flander Putrle, D Lučić, B Grbec, B Gangai, A Malej, F Matić
Acta Adriatica 53 (2), 289-300, 2012
Composition and distribution patterns of marine planktonic ostracods (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in the Adriatic Sea-a historical perspectivev
I Brautović, N Bojanić, O Vidjak, B GRBEC, B Gangai Zovko
Acta Adriatica 59 (1), 71-90, 2018
Ingression of the hydromedusa Neotima lucullana (delle chiaje, 1822) into the ecosystem of the Neretva river estuary (south-eastern Adriatic, Croatia
D Lučić, I Onofri, R Garić, I Violić, M Vranješ, BG Zovko, J Jurinović, J Njire, ...
Acta Adriatica 63 (2), 165-174, 2022
Long-term Monitoring of Carnivorous Gelatinous Macrozooplankton in the Area of Dubrovnik-Neretva County (Croatia)
I Violić, D Lučić, N Bojanić, B Pestorić, B Gangai Zovko, I Onofri, M Hure
NAŠE MORE: znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo 69 (1), 22-29, 2022
Procjena sekundarne produkcije i karakteristike zooplanktonske zajednice u Velikom i Malom jezeru (NP "Mljet")
M Miloslavić, A Benović, D Lučić, I Onofri, JC Molinero, B Gangai
Zbornik radova simpozija Dani Branimira Gušića – Mljet 2010., 207-217, 2010
Novonastale promjene faune hidromeduza sjevernog Jadrana
D Lučić, I Onofri, B Miloslavić, Marijana, Gangai, I Ivančić
12. HRVATSKI BIOLOŠKI KONGRES s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, 85-86, 2015
Recent changes in the northern Adriatic hydromedusan fauna
D Lučić, M Miloslavić, G Barbara, O Ivona, I Ingrid
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