Marina Stojanovska
Marina Stojanovska
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics-Skopje
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Study of the use of the three levels of thinking and representation
M Stojanovska, VM Petruševski, B Šoptrajanov
Contributions, Section of Natural, Mathematical and Biotechnical Sciences 35 (1), 2017
Addressing misconceptions about the particulate nature of matter among Secondary-School and High-School students in the Republic of Macedonia
MI Stojanovska, BT Soptrajanov, VM Petrusevski
Creative Education 3 (05), 619, 2012
Chemistry games in the classroom: A pilot study
M Stojanovska, B Velevska
Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education 1 (2 …, 2018
Celebrating the International Year of Periodic Table with chemistry educational games and puzzles
M Stojanovska
Chemistry Teacher International 3 (1), 20190012, 2021
Addressing students’ misconceptions concerning chemical reactions and symbolic representations
MI Stojanovska, VM Petruševski, BT Šoptrajanov
Chemistry: Bulgarian Journal of Science Education 21, 829–852 (2012)., 2012
The concept of sublimation-iodine as an example
M Stojanovska, VM Petruševski, B Šoptrajanov
Educación química 23, 171-174, 2012
Practical work in chemistry and its goals and effects
HG Köller, M Olufsen, M Stojanovska, V Petrusevski
Chemistry in Action 106, 37-50, 2015
Nearpod as a tool for increasing students’ motivation for learning chemistry
A Naumoska, K Rusevska, A Blazhevska, M Stojanovska
International Journal of Education and Learning 4 (1), 89-99, 2022
V., & Šoptrajanov, B.(2017). Study of the Use of the Three Levels of Thinking and Representation. Contributions, Section of Natural, Mathematical and Biotechnical Sciences, 35 …
M Stojanovska, M Petruševski
The economic demonstrator: Prepare it once, use it many times. II. Continuous thermochromism in aqueous solutions of transition metal chlorides
VM Petruševski, M Bukleski, M Stojanovska
Khimiya. Bulgarian Journal of Chemical Education, 16 (1), 20–28 (2007)., 2007
Reaction of aluminum with diluted nitric acid containing dissolved sodium chloride: On the nature of the gaseous products
VM Petruševski, M Bukleski, M Stojanovska
Khimiya. Bulgarian Journal of Chemical Education, 19, 233–238 (2010)., 2010
Using the Escape Room game-based approach in chemistry teaching
A Naumoska, H Dimeski, M Stojanovska
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 88-88, 2023
Investigating the presence of misconceptions of 8th grade students through multiple-choice questions at national chemistry competition test
M Stojanovska, VM Petruševski
Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 36 (2), 279-284, 2017
Addressing and eliminating the misconceptions about acid and bases concepts in primary school chemistry teaching
K Ivanoska, M Stojanovska
Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 40 (2), 325-339, 2021
Challenges and recommendations for improving chemistry education and teaching in the republic of North Macedonia
M Stojanovska, I Mijic, VM Petrusevski
CEPS Journal 10 (1), 145-166, 2020
Conceptual understanding of solubility concepts among first-grade high-school students
M Stojanovska
Contributions, Section of Natural, Mathematical and Biotechnical Sciences 38 …, 2017
Students’ alternative conceptions and ways to overcome them
M Stojanovska, V Petruševski, HG Köller, S Karlsen
A Guidebook of Good Practice for the Pre-Service Training of Chemistry …, 2015
On the catalyzed disproportionation of SO2 in aqueous solution of KI: A marathon classroom demonstration
VM Petruševski, M Bukleski, M Stojanovska
J. Lab. Chem. Educ 1, 1-4, 2013
Misconceptions in the Chemistry Teaching in the Republic of Macedonia Regarding the Oxidation Reactions of Monosaccharides
M Stojanovska, B Šoptrajanov, VM Petruševski
Nat. Math. Biotech. Sci 34, 1-2, 2013
On the existence of hydrogen salts of monoprotic acids
MI Stojanovska, VM Petruševski, BT Šoptrajanov
Journal of Chemical Education 89 (9), 1168-1170, 2012
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