Kayvan Aghabayk
Kayvan Aghabayk
Assistant Professor, University of Tehran
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A multinomial logit model of motorcycle crash severity at Australian intersections
MA Vajari, K Aghabayk, M Sadeghian, N Shiwakoti
Journal of safety research 73, 17-24, 2020
Importance–Performance Analysis (IPA) of bus service attributes: A case study in a developing country
J Esmailpour, K Aghabayk, MA Vajari, C De Gruyter
Transportation research part a: policy and practice 142, 129-150, 2020
A novel methodology for evolutionary calibration of Vissim by multi-threading
K Aghabayk, M Sarvi, W Young, L Kautzsch
Australasian Transport Research Forum 36 (1), 1-15, 2013
A state-of-the-art review of car-following models with particular considerations of heavy vehicles
K Aghabayk, M Sarvi, W Young
Transport reviews 35 (1), 82-105, 2015
Observational-based study to explore pedestrian crossing behaviors at signalized and unsignalized crosswalks
K Aghabayk, J Esmailpour, A Jafari, N Shiwakoti
Accident Analysis & Prevention 151, 105990, 2021
Understanding the dynamics of heavy vehicle interactions in car-following
K Aghabayk, M Sarvi, W Young
Journal of Transportation Engineering 138 (12), 1468-1475, 2012
Effects of COVID-19 on rail passengers’ crowding perceptions
K Aghabayk, J Esmailpour, N Shiwakoti
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 154, 186-202, 2021
Data mining approach to model bus crash severity in Australia
SA Samerei, K Aghabayk, A Mohammadi, N Shiwakoti
Journal of safety research 76, 73-82, 2021
Comparison of technology acceptance model, theory of planned behavior, and unified theory of acceptance and use of technology to assess a priori acceptance of fully automated …
S Rejali, K Aghabayk, S Esmaeli, N Shiwakoti
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 168, 103565, 2023
Comparing heavy vehicle and passenger car lane-changing maneuvers on arterial roads and freeways
K Aghabayk, S Moridpour, W Young, M Sarvi, YB Wang
Transportation research record 2260 (1), 94-101, 2011
Has COVID-19 changed our loyalty towards public transport? Understanding the moderating role of the pandemic in the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction …
J Esmailpour, K Aghabayk, M Aghajanzadeh, C De Gruyter
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 162, 80-103, 2022
Random utility models of pedestrian crowd exit selection based on SP-off-RP experiments
M Haghani, O Ejtemai, M Sarvi, A Sobhani, M Burd, K Aghabayk
Transportation Research Procedia 2, 524-532, 2014
Using ordered and unordered logistic regressions to investigate risk factors associated with pedestrian crash injury severity in Victoria, Australia
M Nasri, K Aghabayk, A Esmaili, N Shiwakoti
Journal of safety research 81, 78-90, 2022
Using latent class clustering and binary logistic regression to model Australian cyclist injury severity in motor vehicle–bicycle crashes
SA Samerei, K Aghabayk, N Shiwakoti, A Mohammadi
Journal of safety research 79, 246-256, 2021
Modelling heavy vehicle car‐following behaviour in congested traffic conditions
K Aghabayk, M Sarvi, N Forouzideh, W Young
Journal of advanced transportation 48 (8), 1017-1029, 2014
Spatial fluctuations of pedestrian velocities in bidirectional streams: Exploring the effects of self-organization
M Saberi, K Aghabayk, A Sobhani
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 434, 120-128, 2015
Assessing a priori acceptance of shared dockless e-scooters in Iran
S Rejali, K Aghabayk, A Mohammadi, N Shiwakoti
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 100, 103042, 2021
Attribute selection for modelling driver's car-following behaviour in heterogeneous congested traffic conditions
K Aghabayk, M Sarvi, W Young
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 10 (5), 457-468, 2014
Modelling bus-pedestrian crash severity in the state of Victoria, Australia
SA Samerei, K Aghabayk, N Shiwakoti, S Karimi
International journal of injury control and safety promotion 28 (2), 233-242, 2021
Investigation on the impact of walkways slope and pedestrians physical characteristics on pedestrians normal walking and jogging speeds
K Aghabayk, N Parishad, N Shiwakoti
Safety Science 133, 105012, 2021
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