Jose Maria Perez Menor
Jose Maria Perez Menor
在 techedgegroup.com 的电子邮件经过验证
Applying RCM in large scale systems: a case study with railway networks
J Carretero, JM Pérez, F Garcı́a-Carballeira, A Calderón, J Fernández, ...
Reliability engineering & system safety 82 (3), 257-273, 2003
Branch replication scheme: A new model for data replication in large scale data grids
JM Pérez, F García-Carballeira, J Carretero, A Calderón, J Fernández
Future Generation Computer Systems 26 (1), 12-20, 2010
The Design of the Expand Parallel File System.
FG Carballeira, A Calderón, J Carretero, J Fernández, JM Pérez
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl. 17 (1), 21-37, 2003
Data allocation and load balancing for heterogeneous cluster storage systems
JM Perez, F Garcia, J Carretero, A Calderon, LM Sanchez
CCGrid 2003. 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and …, 2003
Study of existing reliability centered maintenance (RCM) approaches used in different industries
N Cotaina, F Matos, J Chabrol, D Djeapragache, P Prete, J Carretero, ...
Nav. Eng. J 110, 89-97, 2000
An implementation of MPI-IO on Expand: A parallel file system based on NFS servers
A Calderón, F García, J Carretero, JM Pérez, J Fernández
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface …, 2002
Optimal railway infrastructure maintenance and repair policies to manage risk under uncertainty with adaptive control
J González, R Romera, J Carretero, JM Pérez
Nº.: UC3M Working Papers. Statistics and Econometrics 2006-05, 2006
A parallel and fault tolerant file system based on NFS servers
F García, A Calderón, J Carretero, JM Perez, J Fernández
Eleventh Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based …, 2003
New stream caching schemas for multimedia systems
J Fernandez, J Carretero, F Garcia-Carballeira, A Calderon, ...
First International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media …, 2005
Specifying use case behavior with interaction models.
JD García, J Carretero, JM Pérez, FG Carballeira, R Filgueira
J. Object Technol. 4 (9), 143-159, 2005
Problemas resueltos de programación en lenguaje Java
JM Pérez, J Carretero, F García, JM Pérez
Thomson, 2003
High performance Java input/output for heterogeneous distributed computing
JM Perez, LM Sánchez, F Garcia, A Calderón, J Carretero
Computers and Communications, 2005. ISCC 2005. Proceedings. 10th IEEE …, 2005
Comunicación y educación en la sociedad de la información. Nuevos lenguajes y conciencia crítica
J González, JM Pérez
Variables de la educación en comunicación, 171-219, 2000
A fault tolerant MPI-IO implementation using the expand parallel file system
A Calderón, F Garcia-Carballeira, J Carretero, JM Perez, LM Sánchez
13th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based …, 2005
Enhancing multimedia caching algorithm performance through new interval definition strategies
J Fernández, J Carretero, F Garcia, JM Perez, A Calderón
36th Annual Simulation Symposium, 2003., 175-182, 2003
A model for use case priorization using criticality analysis
JD García, J Carretero, JM Pérez, F García
Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2004: International …, 2004
A parallel I/O middleware to integrate heterogeneous storage resources on grids
JM Pérez Menor, F García, J Carretero, A Calderón, J Fernández, ...
Grid Computing: First European Across Grids Conference, Santiago de …, 2004
A new cache management algorithm for multimedia storage systems
J Fernandez, J Carretero, F Garcia, JM Perez, A Calderon
Proceedings of the 2003 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 956-960, 2003
Study of existing rcm approaches used in different industries
N Cotaina, F Matos, J Chabrol, D Djeapragache, P Prete, J Carretero, ...
Facultad de Informática, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2000
An adaptive cache coherence protocol specification for parallel input/output systems
F Garcia-Carballeira, J Carretero, A Calderon, JM Perez, JD Garcia
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 15 (6), 533-545, 2004
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