Louis Bellando
Louis Bellando
Post Doctoral researcher INPHYNI (University of Nice Cote D'azur)
在 univ-cotedazur.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Cooperative effects and disorder: A scaling analysis of the spectrum of the effective atomic Hamiltonian
L Bellando, A Gero, E Akkermans, R Kaiser
Physical Review A 90 (6), 063822, 2014
Interplay between radiation pressure force and scattered light intensity in the cooperative scattering by cold atoms
RK Tom Bienaimé, Romain Bachelard, Julien Chabé, Mohamed-Taha Rouabah, Louis ...
Journal of Modern Optics 61 (1), 18-24, 2014
Coherent and incoherent multiple scattering
J Chabé, MT Rouabah, L Bellando, T Bienaimé, N Piovella, R Bachelard, ...
Physical Review A 89 (4), 043833, 2014
Fast compression of a cold atomic cloud using a blue-detuned crossed dipole trap
T Bienaimé, G Barontini, LM De Lépinay, L Bellando, J Chabé, R Kaiser
Physical Review A 86 (5), 053412, 2012
Giant diffusion of nanomechanical rotors in a tilted washboard potential
L Bellando, M Kleine, Y Amarouchene, M Perrin, Y Louyer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 023602, 2022
Roles of cooperative effects and disorder in photon localization: the case of a vector radiation field
L Bellando, A Gero, E Akkermans, R Kaiser
The European Physical Journal B 94, 1-9, 2021
Localisation de la lumière et effets coopératifs dans des nuages d'atomes froids
LB de Castro
Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2013
Specular reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves by disordered metasurfaces
K Vynck, A Pitelet, L Bellando, P Lalanne
Adventures in Contemporary Electromagnetic Theory, 389-417, 2023
Modeling of light interaction with complex nanostructured surfaces
K Vynck, M Bertrand, A Devilez, L Bellando, JP Hugonin, P Lalanne
Optique Toulouse 2018, 2018
Cooperative scattering of light in cold atoms
W Guerin, MT Rouabah, L Bellando, T Bienaimé, J Chabé, R Bachelard, ...
Book of Abstracts, 2014
Localisation de la lumière et effets coopératifs dans des nuages d'atomes froids
L Bellando de Castro
Nice, 2013
Diffusion de la lumière dans un nuage d'atomes froids
T Bienaimé, G Barontini, LM de Lépinay, L Bellando, J Chabé, R Kaiser
Superradiant Forward Scattering in Multiple Scattering
J Chabé, L Bellando, T Bienaimé, R Bachelard, N Piovella, R Kaiser
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