Puji Handayani
Puji Handayani
Department of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
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Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 dalam Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19
AO Safitri, PA Handayani, RN Sakinah, P Prihantini
Jurnal Basicedu 6 (1), 116-128, 2021
An autoregressive model for simulation of time-varying rain rate
G Hendrantoro, A Mauludiyanto, P Handayani
2004 10th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied …, 2004
Pathloss and shadowing characteristics in indoor environment at 2.4 GHz band
P Handayani, L Mubarokah, G Hendrantoro
2015 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2015
Karakteristik Redaman dan Shadowing dalam Ruang pada Kanal Radio 2, 4 GHz
L Mubarokah, P Handayani
Jurnal Teknik ITS 4 (1), A25-A30, 2015
Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Video untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPS di SD
AO Safitri, PA Handayani, T Rustini
Journal on Education 5 (1), 919-932, 2022
Double-directional outdoor MIMO channel measurement at 2.4 GHz using SDR
ME Anggraeni, P Handayani, G Hendrantoro
2016 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2016
Pengukuran Dan Perhitungan Pathloss Eksponen Untuk Cluster Residences, Central Business Distric (CBD), Dan Perkantoran Di Daerah Urban
LD Mubarokah, O Puspitorini, NA Siswandari
Politeknik Negri Surabaya, 2014
A Model of Double‐Directional Indoor Channels for Multiterminal Communications
P Handayani, G Hendrantoro
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 2013 (1), 384173, 2013
A measurement system for space-time variation of rainfall rate and millimeter-wave specific attenuation in Indonesia
G Hendrantoro, A Mauludiyanto, P Handayani
2006 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, 583-586, 2006
Mutual coupling reduction of 1× 2 microstrip array antenna using mmas-ssr
E Setijadi, P Handayani, CSR Mirza
International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation 9 (4), 263-270, 2019
Performance Analysis of The SAGE algorithm: Changing the update procedure
P Handayani, G Hendrantoro, PH Mukti
2016 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2016
Spectral Efficiency of MU-Massive MIMO System for Perfect and Imperfect CSI Condition
IR Aini, P Handayani
2021 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2021
OFDM waveform design parameter for submarine radar
D Kuswidiastuti, P Handayani, G Hendrantoro, E Widjiati, LP Ligthart
2015 IEEE International Conference on Aerospace Electronics and Remote …, 2015
Characterization of DOD and DOA correlation among converging indoor radio links by applying reciprocity principle
P Handayani, G Hendrantoro
ICTC 2011, 90-94, 2011
Alat Pemberi Pakan Udang Otomatis Portabel Berbasis Panel Surya guna Membantu Proses Budidaya Tambak Udang di Desa Tambak Ploso Kabupaten Lamongan
DA Asfani, IGNS Hernanda, IMY Negara, D Kuswidiastuti, P Handayani, ...
Sewagati 7 (3), 353-360, 2023
Implementasi Workshop Penyegaran Bagi Dosen dan Sarjana Bidang Telekomunikasi di Luar Jawa dan Indonesia Timur dengan Kombinasi Metode Daring Sinkron dan Asinkron
G Hendrantoro, PH Mukti, D Kuswidiastuti, P Handayani, A Mauludiyanto, ...
Sewagati 4 (3), 220-226, 2020
Simulation design of triple band metamaterial absorber for radar cross section reduction
HA Susanto, E Setijadi, P Handayani
2016 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite …, 2016
Prototipe Papan Trainer PLC Sederhana Berbasis Arduino Uno Dengan Menggunakan Software Outsel Studio
RCA Valdy, Z Abidin
Jurnal JEETech 4 (2), 127-138, 2023
Interaksi Interaksi Siswa PAUD/TK As-Sholihin Surabaya dengan Gadget dan Perilaku Pendampingan oleh Orang Tua
P Handayani, T Surjani, S Rahayu, D Kuswidiastuti, DP Wulandari, ...
Sewagati 7 (4), 487-498, 2023
Wideband Metamaterial Absorber Based on Combination of Unit Cells
P Handayani, E Setijadi, MR Anggara, G Hendrantoro, A Maulidiyanto
JAREE (Journal on Advanced Research in Electrical Engineering) 4 (2), 2020
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