Julio Juan Garcia Sabater
Julio Juan Garcia Sabater
Titular de Universidad. ROGLE. Dpto. de Organización de Empresas. Universitat Politècnica de
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Can we still talk about continuous improvement? Rethinking enablers and inhibitors for successful implementation
JJ Garcia-Sabater, JA Marin-Garcia
International Journal of Technology Management 55 (1/2), 28-42, 2011
The role of value stream mapping in healthcare services: A scoping review
JA Marin-Garcia, PI Vidal-Carreras, JJ Garcia-Sabater
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (3), 951, 2021
Is implementation of continuous improvement possible? An evolutionary model of enablers and inhibitors
JJ Garcia‐Sabater, JA Marin‐Garcia, MR Perello‐Marin
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 22 (2 …, 2012
Etapas en la evolución de la mejora continua: Estudio multicaso
JA Marin-Garcia, Y Bautista-Poveda, JJ Garcia-Sabater
Intangible capital 10 (3), 584-618, 2014
Green value stream mapping approach to improving productivity and environmental performance
A Muñoz-Villamizar, J Santos, JJ Garcia-Sabater, A Lleo, P Grau
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 68 (3), 608-625, 2019
The impact of Kaizen Events on improving the performance of automotive components' first-tier suppliers
JA Marin-Garcia, JJ Garcia-Sabater, T Bonavia
International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 9 (4), 362-376, 2009
Facilitadores y barreras para la sostenibilidad de la mejora continua: un estudio en proveedores del automóvil de la Comunidad Valenciana
JJ Garcia-Sabater, JA Marin-Garcia
Intangible Capital, 2009
A two-stage sequential planning scheme for integrated operations planning and scheduling system using MILP: the case of an engine assembler
JP Garcia-Sabater, J Maheut, JJ Garcia-Sabater
Flexible services and manufacturing journal 24, 171-209, 2012
Implantación de la innovación continua en la gestión de operaciones: una revisión de la literatura
JA Marin-Garcia, Y Bautista, JJ Garcia-Sabater, PI Vidal-Carreras
Innovar 20 (38), 77-94, 2010
A model for the implementation of lean improvements in healthcare environments as applied in a primary care center
O Morell-Santandreu, C Santandreu-Mascarell, JJ Garcia-Sabater
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (6), 2876, 2021
Sustainability and kaizen: business model trends in healthcare
O Morell-Santandreu, C Santandreu-Mascarell, J García-Sabater
Sustainability 12 (24), 10622, 2020
Operations Management at the service of health care management: Example of a proposal for action research to plan and schedule health resources in scenarios derived from the …
JA Marin-Garcia, JP Garcia-Sabater, A Ruiz, J Maheut, JJ Garcia-Sabater
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM) 13 (2), 213-227, 2020
Enablers and inhibitors for sustainability of continuous improvement: A study in the automotive industry suppliers in the Valencia Region
JJ Garcia-Sabater, JA Marin-Garcia
Intangible Capital 5 (2), 183-209, 2009
Etapas en la evolución de la mejora continua:.¿ cómo viven las empresas el proceso? Estudio de un caso
JA Marín García, Y Bautista Poveda, JJ García Sabater
Economía industrial, 153-163, 2012
Alternative tools to mass production and human performance indicators in sheltered work centers of Valencian community (Spain)
JA Marin-Garcia, C Miralles, JJ Garcia-Sabater, MR Perello-Marin
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM) 4 (3), 467-480, 2011
Redesigning the in-plant supply logistics: A case study
A Saez-Mas, JP Garcia-Sabater, JJ Garcia-Sabater, A Ruiz
Computers & Industrial Engineering 143, 106422, 2020
Protocol: Value Stream Maping in Healthcare. A systematic literature review
JA Marín García, PI Vidal Carreras, JJ García Sabater, ...
WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management 10 (2), 36-54, 2019
Protocol: Triple Diamond method for problem solving and design thinking. Rubric validation
JA Marin-Garcia, JJ Garcia-Sabater, JP Garcia-Sabater, J Maheut
WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management 11 (2), 49-68, 2020
Teaching management based on students teamwork: advantages, drawbacks and proposals for action
JA Marin-Garcia, C Miralles-Insa, JJ Garcia-Sabater, PI Vidal-Carreras
Intangible Capital 4 (2), 143-165, 2008
Enseñando Administración de Empresas con docencia basada en el trabajo en equipo de los estudiantes: Ventajas, inconvenientes y propuestas de actuación
JA Marin-Garcia, C Miralles-Insa, JJ Garcia-Sabater, PI Vidal-Carreras
Marin-Garcia, JA; et al." Enseñando Administración de empresas con docencia …, 2008
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