Can we still talk about continuous improvement? Rethinking enablers and inhibitors for successful implementation JJ Garcia-Sabater, JA Marin-Garcia International Journal of Technology Management 55 (1/2), 28-42, 2011 | 110 | 2011 |
The role of value stream mapping in healthcare services: A scoping review JA Marin-Garcia, PI Vidal-Carreras, JJ Garcia-Sabater International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (3), 951, 2021 | 81 | 2021 |
Is implementation of continuous improvement possible? An evolutionary model of enablers and inhibitors JJ Garcia‐Sabater, JA Marin‐Garcia, MR Perello‐Marin Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 22 (2 …, 2012 | 80 | 2012 |
Etapas en la evolución de la mejora continua: Estudio multicaso JA Marin-Garcia, Y Bautista-Poveda, JJ Garcia-Sabater Intangible capital 10 (3), 584-618, 2014 | 78 | 2014 |
Green value stream mapping approach to improving productivity and environmental performance A Muñoz-Villamizar, J Santos, JJ Garcia-Sabater, A Lleo, P Grau International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 68 (3), 608-625, 2019 | 67 | 2019 |
The impact of Kaizen Events on improving the performance of automotive components' first-tier suppliers JA Marin-Garcia, JJ Garcia-Sabater, T Bonavia International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 9 (4), 362-376, 2009 | 63 | 2009 |
Facilitadores y barreras para la sostenibilidad de la mejora continua: un estudio en proveedores del automóvil de la Comunidad Valenciana JJ Garcia-Sabater, JA Marin-Garcia Intangible Capital, 2009 | 50 | 2009 |
A two-stage sequential planning scheme for integrated operations planning and scheduling system using MILP: the case of an engine assembler JP Garcia-Sabater, J Maheut, JJ Garcia-Sabater Flexible services and manufacturing journal 24, 171-209, 2012 | 43 | 2012 |
Implantación de la innovación continua en la gestión de operaciones: una revisión de la literatura JA Marin-Garcia, Y Bautista, JJ Garcia-Sabater, PI Vidal-Carreras Innovar 20 (38), 77-94, 2010 | 37 | 2010 |
A model for the implementation of lean improvements in healthcare environments as applied in a primary care center O Morell-Santandreu, C Santandreu-Mascarell, JJ Garcia-Sabater International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (6), 2876, 2021 | 33 | 2021 |
Sustainability and kaizen: business model trends in healthcare O Morell-Santandreu, C Santandreu-Mascarell, J García-Sabater Sustainability 12 (24), 10622, 2020 | 30 | 2020 |
Operations Management at the service of health care management: Example of a proposal for action research to plan and schedule health resources in scenarios derived from the … JA Marin-Garcia, JP Garcia-Sabater, A Ruiz, J Maheut, JJ Garcia-Sabater Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM) 13 (2), 213-227, 2020 | 29 | 2020 |
Enablers and inhibitors for sustainability of continuous improvement: A study in the automotive industry suppliers in the Valencia Region JJ Garcia-Sabater, JA Marin-Garcia Intangible Capital 5 (2), 183-209, 2009 | 20 | 2009 |
Etapas en la evolución de la mejora continua:.¿ cómo viven las empresas el proceso? Estudio de un caso JA Marín García, Y Bautista Poveda, JJ García Sabater Economía industrial, 153-163, 2012 | 19 | 2012 |
Alternative tools to mass production and human performance indicators in sheltered work centers of Valencian community (Spain) JA Marin-Garcia, C Miralles, JJ Garcia-Sabater, MR Perello-Marin Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM) 4 (3), 467-480, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |
Redesigning the in-plant supply logistics: A case study A Saez-Mas, JP Garcia-Sabater, JJ Garcia-Sabater, A Ruiz Computers & Industrial Engineering 143, 106422, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Protocol: Value Stream Maping in Healthcare. A systematic literature review JA Marín García, PI Vidal Carreras, JJ García Sabater, ... WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management 10 (2), 36-54, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
Protocol: Triple Diamond method for problem solving and design thinking. Rubric validation JA Marin-Garcia, JJ Garcia-Sabater, JP Garcia-Sabater, J Maheut WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management 11 (2), 49-68, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
Teaching management based on students teamwork: advantages, drawbacks and proposals for action JA Marin-Garcia, C Miralles-Insa, JJ Garcia-Sabater, PI Vidal-Carreras Intangible Capital 4 (2), 143-165, 2008 | 16 | 2008 |
Enseñando Administración de Empresas con docencia basada en el trabajo en equipo de los estudiantes: Ventajas, inconvenientes y propuestas de actuación JA Marin-Garcia, C Miralles-Insa, JJ Garcia-Sabater, PI Vidal-Carreras Marin-Garcia, JA; et al." Enseñando Administración de empresas con docencia …, 2008 | 16 | 2008 |