Rose Alinda Alias
Rose Alinda Alias
Professor of Information Systems
在 utm.my 的电子邮件经过验证
Designing a strategic information system planning methodology For Malaysian institutes of higher learning (ISP-IPTA)
IS Ishak, RA Alias
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2005
A framework for knowledge management system implementation in collaborative environment for higher learning institution
R Abdullah, MH Selamat, S Sahibudin, RA Alias
Journal of knowledge management Practice 6 (1), 1-8, 2005
Understanding online impulse buying behavior in social commerce: a systematic literature review
S Abdelsalam, N Salim, RA Alias, O Husain
IEEE Access 8, 89041-89058, 2020
Artificial intelligence (AI) library services innovative conceptual framework for the digital transformation of university education
RO Okunlaya, N Syed Abdullah, RA Alias
Library Hi Tech 40 (6), 1869-1892, 2022
Higher education 4.0: Current status and readiness in meeting the fourth industrial revolution challenges
A Selamat, RA Alias, SN Hikmi, M Puteh, SM Tapsi
Redesigning higher education towards industry 4, 23-24, 2017
Selection of defuzzification method to obtain crisp value for representing uncertain data in a modified sweep algorithm
GW Nurcahyo, SM Shamsuddin, RA Alias, M Noor Md Sap
Journal of Computer Science & Technology 3, 2003
Sweep algorithm in vehicle routing problem for public transport
GW Nurcahyo, RA Alias, SM Shamsuddin, MNM Sap
Jurnal Antarabangsa Teknologi Maklumat 2, 51-64, 2002
Knowledge sharing culture in Malaysian public institution of higher education: An overview
S Suhaimee, AZA Bakar, RA Alias
Proceedings of the Postgraduate Annual Research Seminar 2006, 2006
Information security policy compliance: Systematic literature review
RA Alias
Procedia Computer Science 161, 1216-1224, 2019
Nascent research trends in MOOCs in higher educational institutions: A systematic literature review
NF Sa'don, RA Alias, N Ohshima
2014 International Conference on Web and Open Access to Learning (ICWOAL), 1-4, 2014
Knowledge management system architecture for organizational learning with collaborative environment
RH Abdullahδ, S Sahibuddinξ, RA Aliasξ, MH Selamatδ
IJCSNS 6 (3A), 237, 2006
Business intelligence system adoption theories in SMES: A literature review
NNM Hatta, S Miskon, NM Ali, NS Abdullah, N Ahmad, H Hashim, ...
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 10 (23), 18165-18174, 2015
Expert finding systems: A systematic review
O Husain, N Salim, RA Alias, S Abdelsalam, A Hassan
Applied Sciences 9 (20), 4250, 2019
Usability measures in mobile-based augmented reality learning applications: a systematic review
KC Lim, A Selamat, RA Alias, O Krejcar, H Fujita
Applied Sciences 9 (13), 2718, 2019
A business intelligence framework for Higher Education Institutions
NA Zulkefli, S Miskon, H Hashim, RA Alias, NS Abdullah, N Ahmad, ...
ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci 10 (23), 18070-18077, 2015
Scientometric assessment of engineering in Malaysians universities
M Tahira, RA Alias, A Bakri
Scientometrics 96, 865-879, 2013
The impact of knowledge sharing through social media among academia
S Ghazali, NIS Sulaiman, NZ Zabidi, MF Omar, RA Alias
AIP Conference Proceedings 1782 (1), 2016
Collaborative knowledge management systems for learning organisations
R Abdullah, S Sahibudin, RA Alias, MH Selamat
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management 4 (04), 237-245, 2005
Business intelligence readiness factors for higher education institution
NA Hasan, S Miskon, N Ahmad, NM Ali, H Hashim, N Syed, RAA Abdullah, ...
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 89 (1), 174, 2016
Gender influences on emotional self-regulation among Malaysian academicians
H Haron, SMS Mustafa, RA Alias
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology 1 (1), 20, 2010
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