Freeman Hrabowski
Freeman Hrabowski
President, UMBC
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Beating the odds: Raising academically successful African American males
FA Hrabowski III, KI Maton, GL Greif
Oxford University Press, 1998
African American college students excelling in the sciences: College and postcollege outcomes in the Meyerhoff Scholars Program
KI Maton, FA Hrabowski III, CL Schmitt
Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the …, 2000
Increasing the Number of African American PhDs in the Sciences and Engineering A Strengths-Based Approach.
KI Maton, FA Hrabowski III
American Psychologist 59 (6), 547, 2004
Preparing minority scientists and engineers
MF Summers, FA Hrabowski III
Science 311 (5769), 1870-1871, 2006
Preparing the way: A qualitative study of high‐achieving African American males and the role of the family
KI Maton, FA Hrabowski, GL Greif
American Journal of Community Psychology 26 (4), 639-668, 1998
Meyerhoff Scholars Program: A strengths‐based, institution‐wide approach to increasing diversity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
KI Maton, SA Pollard, TV McDougall Weise, FA Hrabowski
Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: A Journal of Translational and Personalized …, 2012
Overcoming the odds: Raising academically successful African American young women
FA Hrabowski III, KI Maton, ML Greene, GL Greif
Oxford University Press, 2002
The undergraduate experience: Focusing institutions on what matters most
P Felten, JN Gardner, CC Schroeder, LM Lambert, BO Barefoot, ...
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Outcomes and processes in the Meyerhoff Scholars Program: STEM PhD completion, sense of community, perceived program benefit, science identity, and research self-efficacy
KI Maton, TS Beason, S Godsay, MR Sto. Domingo, TSC Bailey, S Sun, ...
CBE—Life Sciences Education 15 (3), ar48, 2016
Enhancing the success of African‐American students in the sciences: Freshman year outcomes
FA Hrabowski III, KI Maton
School Science and Mathematics 95 (1), 19-27, 1995
Raising Minority Achievement in Science and Math.
FA Hrabowski III
Educational Leadership 60 (4), 44-48, 2003
Enhancing the number of African-Americans who pursue STEM PhDs: Meyerhoff Scholarship Program outcomes, processes, and individual predictors
KI Maton, MRS Domingo, KE Stolle-McAllister, JL Zimmerman, ...
Journal of women and minorities in science and engineering 15 (1), 2009
The benefits of correctional education
FA Hrabowski III, J Robbi
Journal of Correctional Education, 96-99, 2002
Increasing racial diversity in the teacher workforce: One university’s approach
FA Hrabowski, MG Sanders
National Education Association, 2015
Graduate school success of Black students from White colleges and Black colleges
EF Anderson, FA Hrabowski
The Journal of Higher Education 48 (3), 294-303, 1977
Institutional change in higher education: Innovation and collaboration
FA Hrabowski III
Peabody Journal of Education 89 (3), 291-304, 2014
African American fathers of high-achieving sons: Using out-standing members of an at-risk population to guide intervention
GL Greif, FA Hrabowski, KI Maton
Families in Society 79 (1), 45-52, 1998
Replicating Meyerhoff for inclusive excellence in STEM
MR Sto. Domingo, S Sharp, A Freeman, T Freeman Jr, K Harmon, ...
Science 364 (6438), 335-337, 2019
Assessment and analytics in institutional transformation
F Hrabowski, J Suess, J Fritz
UMBC Office of the Vice President of Information Technology, 2011
Change institutional culture, and you change who goes into science
FA Hrabowski, KI Maton
Academe 95 (3), 11-15, 2009
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