Stefan Pelz
Stefan Pelz
Professor Forest Utilization & Biomass Conversion
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Biomass sources for a sustainable energy supply in Ghana – A case study for Sunyani
S Präger, F., Paczkowski, S., Sailer, G., Derkyi, N., Pelz
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 413–424, 2019
Investigation of real life operation of biomass room heating appliances–Results of a European survey
M Wöhler, JS Andersen, G Becker, H Persson, G Reichert, C Schön, ...
Applied Energy 169, 240-249, 2016
Effect of feedstock particle size distribution and feedstock moisture content on pellet production efficiency, pellet quality, transport and combustion emissions
R Labbé, S Paczkowski, V Knappe, M Russ, M Wöhler, S Pelz
Fuel 263, 116662, 2020
Kaolin as additive in wood pellet combustion with several mixtures of spruce and short-rotation-coppice willow and its influence on emissions and ashes
M Gehrig, M Wöhler, S Pelz, J Steinbrink, H Thorwarth
Fuel 235, 610-616, 2019
Influence of pellet length on performance of pellet room heaters under real life operation conditions
M Wöhler, D Jaeger, G Reichert, C Schmidl, SK Pelz
Renewable Energy 105, 66-75, 2017
Optimizing anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) by using biomass ashes as additives
G Sailer, J Eichermüller, J Poetsch, S Paczkowski, S Pelz, H Oechsner, ...
Waste Management 109, 136-148, 2020
Implementation of a firebed cooling device and its influence on emissions and combustion parameters at a residential wood pellet boiler
M Gehrig, S Pelz, D Jaeger, G Hofmeister, A Groll, H Thorwarth, ...
Applied Energy, doi:10.1016/ j.apenergy.2015.08.133 159, 310-316, 2015
Characterization of the separately collected organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) from rural and urban districts for a one-year period in Germany
G Sailer, J Eichermüller, J Poetsch, S Paczkowski, S Pelz, H Oechsner, ...
Waste Management 131, 471-482, 2021
Modeling and simulation of a continuous biomass hydrothermal carbonization process
J Gómez, G Corsi, E Pino-Cortés, LA Díaz-Robles, V Campos, F Cubillos, ...
Chemical Engineering Communications 207 (6), 751-768, 2020
Potential of integrated emissions reduction systems in a firewood stove under real life operation conditions
M Wöhler, D Jaeger, SK Pelz, H Thorwarth
Energy & Fuels 31 (7), 7562-7571, 2017
Low temperature microwave assisted hydrothermal carbonization (MAHC) reduces combustion emission precursors in short rotation coppice willow wood
V Knappe, S Paczkowski, J Tejada, LAD Robles, A Gonzales, S Pelz
Journal of analytical and applied pyrolysis 134, 162-166, 2018
Life cycle assessment for hydrothermal carbonization of urban organic solid waste in comparison with gasification process: A case study of Southern Chile
C Corvalán, AT Espinoza Pérez, LA Díaz‐Robles, F Cubillos, F Vallejo, ...
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 40 (6), e13688, 2021
Experimental study on hydrothermal carbonization of lignocellulosic biomass with magnesium chloride for solid fuel production
S Carrasco, J Silva, E Pino-Cortés, J Gómez, F Vallejo, L Díaz-Robles, ...
Processes 8 (4), 444, 2020
Influence of firebed temperature on inorganic particle emissions in a residential wood pellet boiler
M Gehrig, D Jaeger, SK Pelz, A Weissinger, A Groll, H Thorwarth, ...
Atmospheric Environment 136, 61-67, 2016
Development of a novel wood pellet durability tester for small samples
C Schilling, M Wöhler, F Yazdanpanahb, X Bib, A Laub, CJ Limb, ...
World Sustainable Energy Days next, Young researcher, Wels (Ö), 2015
Semi-conductor metal oxide gas sensors for online monitoring of oak wood VOC emissions during drying
PS Paczkowski, Sebastian, Jaeger, Dirk
Drying Technology (0737-3937), 1-6, 2019
Evaluation of early bark beetle infestation localization by drone-based monoterpene detection
S Paczkowski, P Datta, H Irion, M Paczkowska, T Habert, S Pelz, D Jaeger
Forests 12 (2), 228, 2021
Cost reduction and efficiency improvement of short rotation coppice
N Marron, T Beimgraben, L De Berg, F Brod-Deck, L Eltrop, J Focke, ...
CCREF Final Report, Champenoux, 2012
Influence of a direct firebed cooling in a residential wood pellet boiler with an ash-rich fuel on the combustion process and emissions
M Gehrig, D Jaeger, SK Pelz, R Kirchhof, H Thorwarth, W Haslinger
Energy & Fuels 30 (11), 9900-9907, 2016
Feedstock particle size distribution and water content dynamic in a pellet mill production process and comparative sieving performance of horizontal 3.15-mm mesh and 3.15-mm …
S Paczkowski, C Sauer, A Anetzberger, M Paczkowska, M Russ, ...
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 11, 1621-1632, 2021
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