Mateusz Malinowski
Effect of biochar addition on the OFMSW composting process under real conditions
M Malinowski, K Wolny-Koładka, MD Vaverková
Waste Management 84, 364-372, 2019
Impact of aerobic biostabilization and biodrying process of municipal solid waste on minimization of waste deposited in landfills
K Dziedzic, B Łapczyńska-Kordon, M Malinowski, M Niemiec, J Sikora
Chemical and Process Engineering 36 (4), 381-394, 2015
Life cycle assessment of refuse-derived fuel production from mixed municipal waste
K Grzesik, M Malinowski
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 38 …, 2016
Life Cycle Assessment of Mechanical–Biological Treatment of Mixed Municipal Waste
K Grzesik, M Malinowski
Environmental Engineering Science 34 (3), 207-220, 2017
Effect of broccoli sprouts on thyroid function, haematological, biochemical, and immunological parameters in rats with thyroid imbalance
P Paśko, M Krośniak, E Prochownik, M Tyszka-Czochara, M Fołta, ...
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 97, 82-90, 2018
Metoda szczegółowej klasyfikacji odpadów z sektora rolniczego i rolno-spożywczego
Z Daniel, T Juliszewski, Z Kowalczyk, M Malinowski, S Zygmunt, P Wrona
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich, 2012
Energy conservation behaviors and awareness of polish, czech and ukrainian students: A case study
Z Gródek-Szostak, M Malinowski, M Suder, K Kwiecień, S Bodziacki, ...
Energies 14 (18), 5599, 2021
Characteristics of illegal dumping sites – case study: watercourses
M Malinowski, K Wolny-Koładka, B Jastrzębski
Infrastruktura i ekologia terenów wiejskich 4 (4), 1475-1485, 2015
Microbiological and energetic assessment of the effects of the biodrying of fuel produced from waste
M Malinowski, K Wolny-Koładka
Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S 24 (4), 551-564, 2017
Microbiological air contamination in university premises and the evaluation of drug resistance of staphylococci occurring in the form of a bioaerosol
K Wolny-Koładka, M Malinowski, A Pieklik, S Kurpaska
Indoor and Built Environment 28 (2), 235-246, 2019
Impact of digestate addition on the biostabilization of undersized fraction from municipal solid waste
M Malinowski, S Famielec, K Wolny-Koładka, J Sikora, M Gliniak, D Baran, ...
Science of The Total Environment 770, 145375, 2021
Energy-related and microbiological evaluation of the effects of bulking agents on the brewery hot trub biodrying
K Wolny-Koładka, M Malinowski, M Zdaniewicz
Food and Bioproducts Processing 127, 398-407, 2021
Impact of Calcium Oxide on Hygienization and Self-Heating Prevention of Biologically Contaminated Polymer Materials
K Wolny-Koładka, M Malinowski, W Żukowski
Materials 13, 1-18, 2020
Effect of the intensive aerobic biostabilization phase on selected microbiological and physicochemical parameters of wastes
K Wolny-Koładka, M Malinowski, A Sikora, K Szymonik, G Pelczar, ...
Infrastructure and ecology of rural areas 4 (3), 1099-1115, 2016
Assessment of the use of EWA bioreactor in the process of bio drying of undersize fraction manufactured from mixed municipal solid waste
M Hurka, M Malinowski
Infrastructure and ecology of rural areas 4 (1), 1127-1136, 2014
The role and place of solid waste transfer station in the waste management system
J Zemanek, A Woźniak, M Malinowski
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich 11, 2011
Problem optymalizacji logistycznych parametrów transportu odpadów komunalnych w aspekcie strategii ekofirmy
M Malinowski, A Woźniak
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich 10, 2011
Economic and Ecological Assessment of Transport of Various Types of Waste
S Guzdek, M Malinowski, A Petryk, A Religa, D Liszka
Journal of Ecological Engineering 5, 2020
The changes in exhaust gas and selected waste properties during biostabilization process
D Baran, S Famielec, M Koncewicz-Baran, M Malinowski, Z Sobol
Proceedings of ECOpole 10 ((1)), 11-18, 2016
Ilości generowanych odpadów komunalnych w aspekcie typów gospodarczych gmin województwa Małopolskiego
M Malinowski, A Krakowiak-Bal, J Sikora, A Woźniak
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich 9, 2009
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