Edgar Eduardo Benítez Olivo
Edgar Eduardo Benítez Olivo
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Exploiting the Direct Link in Full-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Networks
DP Moya Osorio, EE Benitez Olivo, H Alves, JC Santos Filho, M Latva-aho
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 22 (10), 1766-1770, 2015
Performance analysis of full-duplex relay-aided NOMA systems using partial relay selection
A Tregancini, EEB Olivo, DPM Osorio, CHM De Lima, H Alves
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (1), 622-635, 2019
An adaptive transmission scheme for cognitive decode-and-forward relaying networks: half duplex, full duplex, or no cooperation
EEB Olivo, DPM Osorio, H Alves, JCS Santos Filho, M Latva-aho
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (8), 5586-5602, 2016
Safeguarding MTC at the physical layer: Potentials and challenges
DPM Osorio, EEB Olivo, H Alves, M Latva-Aho
IEEE Access 8, 101437-101447, 2020
Outage Performance of Spectrally Efficient Schemes for Multiuser Cognitive Relaying Networks with Underlay Spectrum Sharing
EE Benítez Olivo, DP Moya Osorio, D da Costa, JC Santos Filho
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (12), 6629 - 6642, 2014
Cognitive Full-Duplex Decode-and-Forward Relaying Networks with Usable Direct Link and Transmit-Power Constraints
EEB Olivo, DPM Osorio, H Alves, JCS Santos Filho, M Latva-aho
IEEE Access 6, 24983-24995, 2018
An adaptive transmission scheme for amplify-and-forward relaying networks
DPM Osorio, EEB Olivo, H Alves, JCS Santos Filho, M Latva-aho
IEEE Transactions on Communications 65 (1), 66-78, 2016
GCSS Filho, and S. Latva-aho,“An adaptive transmission scheme for cognitive decodeand-forward relaying networks: Half duplex, full duplex, or no cooperation,”
EEB Olivo, DPM Osorio, H Alves
IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun 15 (8), 5586-5602, 2016
Wireless-powered full-duplex UAV relay networks over FTR channels
DDP Mucin, DPM Osorio, EEB Olivo
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2, 2205-2218, 2021
On the statistics of the ratio of nonconstrained arbitrary αμ random variables: A general framework and applications
JD Vega Sanchez, DP Moya Osorio, EE Benitez Olivo, H Alves, ...
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 31 (3), e3832, 2020
On the secrecy performance and power allocation in relaying networks with untrusted relay in the partial secrecy regime
DPM Osorio, H Alves, EEB Olivo
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15, 2268-2281, 2019
Secrecy performance for multiple untrusted relay networks using destination-based jamming with direct link
DPM Osorio, EEB Olivo, H Alves
2018 IEEE 29th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2018
Outage analysis of a spectrally efficient scheme for multiuser cognitive relaying networks with spectrum sharing constraints
EE Benitez Olivo, DP Moya Osorio, D Benevides da Costa, ...
IEEE 24th International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2013
Impact of self-energy recycling and cooperative jamming on SWIPT-based FD relay networks with secrecy constraints
IWG Da Silva, JDV Sánchez, EEB Olivo, DPM Osorio
IEEE Access 10, 24132-24148, 2022
Multiuser incremental decode-and-forward relaying under outdated channel estimates
EE Benítez Olivo, DP Moya Osorio, DB da Costa, JCS Santos Filho
Electronics Letters 51 (4), 369-371, 2015
Secrecy performance of untrustworthy AF relay networks using cooperative jamming and SWIPT
EN Egashira, EEB Olivo, DPM Osorio, H Alves
2019 IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2019
Avaliaçao dos efeitos da interferência de co-canal e da diversidade de antenas na probabilidade de erro de bit para modulaçoes m-qam em canais com desvanecimento rayleigh
E Benıtez, D Moya, G Quelal, C de Almeida
Brazilian Telecommunication Symposium, 2011
Secure hybrid RF/VLC under statistical queuing constraints
IWG da Silva, DPM Osorio, EEB Olivo, I Ahmed, M Katz
2021 17th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 1-6, 2021
Performance analysis framework for NOMA systems over non-identical Nakagami-m fading channels
A Tregancini, CHM Lima, EEB Olivo, H Alves
2019 16th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS …, 2019
Distributed link selection in multirelay multiuser networks
DP Moya Osorio, EE Benítez Olivo, DB da Costa, JC Silveira Santos Filho
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 27 (7), 939-951, 2016
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