Matthew J. Zawadzki
Matthew J. Zawadzki
Associate Professor of Psychological Sciences, University of California, Merced
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Rumination and anxiety mediate the effect of loneliness on depressed mood and sleep quality in college students.
MJ Zawadzki, JE Graham, W Gerin
Health Psychology 32 (2), 212, 2013
Stress and disease: A structural and functional analysis
J Smyth, M Zawadzki, W Gerin
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 7 (4), 217-227, 2013
Confronting and reducing sexism: A call for research on intervention
JC Becker, MJ Zawadzki, SA Shields
Journal of Social Issues 70 (4), 603-614, 2014
Social interactions in daily life: Within-person associations between momentary social experiences and psychological and physical health indicators
MJ Bernstein, MJ Zawadzki, V Juth, JA Benfield, JM Smyth
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 35 (3), 372-394, 2018
Real-time associations between engaging in leisure and daily health and well-being
MJ Zawadzki, JM Smyth, HJ Costigan
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 49 (4), 605-615, 2015
The impact of the Workshop Activity for Gender Equity Simulation in the Academy (WAGES–Academic) in demonstrating cumulative effects of gender bias.
SA Shields, MJ Zawadzki, RN Johnson
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 4 (2), 120, 2011
A coordinated analysis of variance in affect in daily life
SB Scott, MJ Sliwinski, M Zawadzki, RS Stawski, J Kim, ...
Assessment 27 (8), 1683-1698, 2020
Rumination as a mediator of chronic stress effects on hypertension: a causal model
W Gerin, MJ Zawadzki, JF Brosschot, JF Thayer, NJS Christenfeld, ...
International journal of hypertension 2012 (1), 453465, 2012
Everyday stress response targets in the science of behavior change
JM Smyth, MJ Sliwinski, MJ Zawadzki, SB Scott, DE Conroy, ST Lanza, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 101, 20-29, 2018
Using experiential learning to increase the recognition of everyday sexism as harmful: The WAGES intervention
JL Cundiff, MJ Zawadzki, CL Danube, SA Shields
Journal of Social Issues 70 (4), 703-721, 2014
How to talk about gender inequity in the workplace: Using WAGES as an experiential learning tool to reduce reactance and promote self-efficacy
MJ Zawadzki, CL Danube, SA Shields
Sex Roles 67, 605-616, 2012
Has work replaced home as a haven? Re-examining Arlie Hochschild's Time Bind proposition with objective stress data
S Damaske, JM Smyth, MJ Zawadzki
Social Science & Medicine 115, 130-138, 2014
Rumination is independently associated with poor psychological health: Comparing emotion regulation strategies
MJ Zawadzki
Psychology & Health 30 (10), 1146-1163, 2015
Reducing the endorsement of sexism using experiential learning: The Workshop Activity for Gender Equity Simulation (WAGES)
MJ Zawadzki, SA Shields, CL Danube, JK Swim
Psychology of Women Quarterly 38 (1), 75-92, 2014
Global life satisfaction predicts ambulatory affect, stress, and cortisol in daily life in working adults
JM Smyth, MJ Zawadzki, V Juth, CN Sciamanna
Journal of behavioral medicine 40, 320-331, 2017
The intersections of race, gender, age, and socioeconomic status: Implications for reporting discrimination and attributions to discrimination.
L Potter, MJ Zawadzki, CP Eccleston, JE Cook, SA Snipes, MJ Sliwinski, ...
Stigma and health 4 (3), 264, 2019
Stress at work: Differential experiences of high versus low SES workers
S Damaske, MJ Zawadzki, JM Smyth
Social Science & Medicine 156, 125-133, 2016
Age differences in everyday stressor-related negative affect: A coordinated analysis.
RS Stawski, SB Scott, MJ Zawadzki, MJ Sliwinski, D Marcusson-Clavertz, ...
Psychology and Aging 34 (1), 91, 2019
Early adversity, personal resources, body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating
LR Vartanian, JM Smyth, MJ Zawadzki, KE Heron, SRM Coleman
International Journal of Eating Disorders 47 (6), 620-629, 2014
Examining the effects of perceived social support on momentary mood and symptom reports in asthma and arthritis patients
JM Smyth, MJ Zawadzki, AM Santuzzi, KB Filipkowski
Psychology & health 29 (7), 813-831, 2014
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