David Naugle
David Naugle
Professor of Wildlife Biology, University of Montana
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Vulnerability of northern prairie wetlands to climate change
WC Johnson, BV Millett, T Gilmanov, RA Voldseth, GR Guntenspergen, ...
BioScience 55 (10), 863-872, 2005
Greater sage‐grouse population response to energy development and habitat loss
BL Walker, DE Naugle, KE Doherty
The Journal of Wildlife Management 71 (8), 2644-2654, 2007
Ecosystem services lost to oil and gas in North America
BW Allred, WK Smith
Science 2, 3, 2015
Greater sage‐grouse winter habitat selection and energy development
KE Doherty, DE Naugle, BL Walker, JM Graham
The Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (1), 187-195, 2008
Trial by fire [rescue robots]
RR Murphy
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 11 (3), 50-61, 2004
A landscape approach to conserving wetland bird habitat in the prairie pothole region of eastern South Dakota
DE Naugle, RR Johnson, ME Estey, KF Higgins
Wetlands 21 (1), 1-17, 2001
Prairie wetland complexes as landscape functional units in a changing climate
WC Johnson, B Werner, GR Guntenspergen, RA Voldseth, B Millett, ...
BioScience 60 (2), 128-140, 2010
A dynamic Landsat derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) product for the conterminous United States
NP Robinson, BW Allred, MO Jones, A Moreno, JS Kimball, DE Naugle, ...
Remote sensing 9 (8), 863, 2017
Effects of wind turbines on upland nesting birds in Conservation Reserve Program grasslands
KL Leddy, KF Higgins, DE Naugle
The Wilson Bulletin, 100-104, 1999
Area sensitivity in North American grassland birds: patterns and processes
CA Ribic, RR Koford, JR Herkert, DH Johnson, ND Niemuth, DE Naugle, ...
The Auk 126 (2), 233-244, 2009
Managing multiple vital rates to maximize greater sage‐grouse population growth
RL Taylor, BL Walker, DE Naugle, LS Mills
The Journal of Wildlife Management 76 (2), 336-347, 2012
Incorporating landscape attributes into models for migratory grassland bird conservation
KK Bakker, DE Naugle, KF Higgins
Conservation Biology 16 (6), 1638-1646, 2002
Scale-dependent habitat use in three species of prairie wetland birds
DE Naugle, KF Higgins, SM Nusser, WC Johnson
Landscape ecology 14, 267-276, 1999
Innovation in rangeland monitoring: annual, 30 m, plant functional type percent cover maps for US rangelands, 1984–2017
MO Jones, BW Allred, DE Naugle, JD Maestas, P Donnelly, LJ Metz, ...
Ecosphere 9 (9), e02430, 2018
Saving sage-grouse from the trees: a proactive solution to reducing a key threat to a candidate species
S Baruch-Mordo, JS Evans, JP Severson, DE Naugle, JD Maestas, ...
Biological Conservation 167, 233-241, 2013
Mapping oil and gas development potential in the US Intermountain West and estimating impacts to species
HE Copeland, KE Doherty, DE Naugle, A Pocewicz, JM Kiesecker
PloS one 4 (10), e7400, 2009
West Nile virus: Pending crisis for greater sage‐grouse
DE Naugle, CL Aldridge, BL Walker, TE Cornish, BJ Moynahan, ...
Ecology Letters 7 (8), 704-713, 2004
Greater sage‐grouse nesting habitat: the importance of managing at multiple scales
KE Doherty, DE Naugle, BL Walker
The Journal of Wildlife Management 74 (7), 1544-1553, 2010
Predicting risk of habitat conversion in native temperate grasslands
SE Stephens, JA Walker, DR Blunck, A Jayaraman, DE Naugle, ...
Conservation biology 22 (5), 1320-1330, 2008
Win-win for wind and wildlife: a vision to facilitate sustainable development
JM Kiesecker, JS Evans, J Fargione, K Doherty, KR Foresman, TH Kunz, ...
PLoS One 6 (4), e17566, 2011
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