Ki Goosens
Ki Goosens
在 mssm.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Contextual and auditory fear conditioning are mediated by the lateral, basal, and central amygdaloid nuclei in rats
KA Goosens, S Maren
Learning & memory 8 (3), 148-155, 2001
Changes in brain MicroRNAs contribute to cholinergic stress reactions
A Meerson, L Cacheaux, KA Goosens, RM Sapolsky, H Soreq, D Kaufer
Journal of molecular neuroscience 40, 47-55, 2010
The amygdala is essential for the development of neuronal plasticity in the medial geniculate nucleus during auditory fear conditioning in rats
S Maren, SA Yap, KA Goosens
Context-dependent neuronal activity in the lateral amygdala represents fear memories after extinction
JA Hobin, KA Goosens, S Maren
Journal of Neuroscience 23 (23), 8410-8416, 2003
A ghrelin–growth hormone axis drives stress-induced vulnerability to enhanced fear
RM Meyer, A Burgos-Robles, E Liu, SS Correia, KA Goosens
Molecular psychiatry 19 (12), 1284-1294, 2014
FSH blockade improves cognition in mice with Alzheimer’s disease
J Xiong, SS Kang, Z Wang, X Liu, TC Kuo, F Korkmaz, A Padilla, ...
Nature 603 (7901), 470-476, 2022
Auditory-evoked spike firing in the lateral amygdala and Pavlovian fear conditioning: mnemonic code or fear bias?
KA Goosens, JA Hobin, S Maren
Neuron 40 (5), 1013-1022, 2003
Pretraining NMDA receptor blockade in the basolateral complex, but not the central nucleus, of the amygdala prevents savings of the conditional fear.
KA Goosens, S Maren
Behavioral neuroscience 117 (4), 738, 2003
NMDA receptors are essential for the acquisition, but not expression, of conditional fear and associative spike firing in the lateral amygdala
KA Goosens, S Maren
European Journal of Neuroscience 20 (2), 537-548, 2004
Long‐term potentiation as a substrate for memory: Evidence from studies of amygdaloid plasticity and Pavlovian fear conditioning
KA Goosens, S Maren
Hippocampus 12 (5), 592-599, 2002
Chronic stress alters striosome-circuit dynamics, leading to aberrant decision-making
A Friedman, D Homma, B Bloem, LG Gibb, K Amemori, D Hu, S Delcasso, ...
Cell 171 (5), 1191-1205. e28, 2017
Alterations in size, number, and morphology of gustatory papillae and taste buds in BDNF null mutant mice demonstrate neural dependence of developing taste organs
CM Mistretta, KA Goosens, I Farinas, LF Reichardt
Journal of Comparative Neurology 409 (1), 13-24, 1999
Sampling blood from the lateral tail vein of the rat
G Lee, KA Goosens
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), e52766, 2015
Excess corticotropin releasing hormone-binding protein in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in transgenic mice.
HL Burrows, M Nakajima, JS Lesh, KA Goosens, LC Samuelson, A Inui, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 101 (7), 1439-1447, 1998
A role for amygdaloid PKA and PKC in the acquisition of long-term conditional fear memories in rats
KA Goosens, W Holt, S Maren
Behavioural brain research 114 (1-2), 145-152, 2000
Hippocampal regulation of aversive memories
KA Goosens
Current opinion in neurobiology 21 (3), 460-466, 2011
Basolateral amygdala regulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis and fear-related activation of newborn neurons
ED Kirby, AR Friedman, D Covarrubias, C Ying, WG Sun, KA Goosens, ...
Molecular psychiatry 17 (5), 527-536, 2012
Adenosine A2A receptors in the amygdala control synaptic plasticity and contextual fear memory
AP Simões, NJ Machado, N Gonçalves, MP Kaster, AT Simões, A Nunes, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 41 (12), 2862-2871, 2016
Stress and glucocorticoid contributions to normal and pathological aging
KA Goosens, RM Sapolsky
Brain Aging, 305-322, 2007
Amygdala-ventral striatum circuit activation decreases long-term fear
SS Correia, AG McGrath, A Lee, AM Graybiel, KA Goosens
Elife 5, e12669, 2016
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