Sameer Ikhdair
Sameer Ikhdair
professor of physics , An-Najah National University
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Exact polynomial eigensolutions of the Schrödinger equation for the pseudoharmonic potential
S Ikhdair, R Sever
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 806 (1-3), 155-158, 2007
Exact quantization rule to the Kratzer-type potentials: an application to the diatomic molecules
SM Ikhdair, R Sever
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 45, 1137-1152, 2009
Approximate eigenvalue and eigenfunction solutions for the generalized Hulthén potential with any angular momentum
SM Ikhdair, R Sever
Journal of mathematical chemistry 42, 461-471, 2007
Approximate bound state solutions of Dirac equation with Hulthén potential including Coulomb-like tensor potential
SM Ikhdair, R Sever
Applied Mathematics and Computation 216 (3), 911-923, 2010
Nonrelativistic molecular models under external magnetic and AB flux fields
SM Ikhdair, BJ Falaye, M Hamzavi
Annals of Physics 353, 282-298, 2015
Polynomial solutions of the Mie-type potential in the D-dimensional Schrödinger equation
SM Ikhdair, R Sever
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 855 (1-3), 13-17, 2008
Exact solutions of the modified Kratzer potential plus ring-shaped potential in the D-dimensional Schrödinger equation by the Nikiforov–Uvarov method
SM Ikhdair, R Sever
International Journal of Modern Physics C 19 (02), 221-235, 2008
Exact solutions of the radial Schrödinger equation for some physical potentials
SM Ikhdair, R Sever
Central European Journal of Physics 5, 516-527, 2007
On the bound-state solutions of the Manning–Rosen potential including an improved approximation to the orbital centrifugal term
SM Ikhdair
Physica Scripta 83 (1), 015010, 2011
An approximate κ state solutions of the Dirac equation for the generalized Morse potential under spin and pseudospin symmetry
SM Ikhdair
Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (5), 2011
An improved approximation scheme for the centrifugal term and the Hulthén potential
SM Ikhdair
The European Physical Journal A 39, 307-314, 2009
Exact solution of the Klein‐Gordon equation for the PT‐symmetric generalized Woods‐Saxon potential by the Nikiforov‐Uvarov method
SM Ikhdair, R Sever
Annalen der Physik 519 (3), 218-232, 2007
Approximate solutions of the Dirac equation for the Rosen–Morse potential including the spin-orbit centrifugal term
SM Ikhdair
Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (2), 2010
Approximate spin and pseudospin solutions to the Dirac equation for the inversely quadratic Yukawa potential and tensor interaction
M Hamzavi, SM Ikhdair, BI Ita
Physica Scripta 85 (4), 045009, 2012
Rotation and vibration of diatomic molecule in the spatially-dependent mass Schrödinger equation with generalized q-deformed Morse potential
SM Ikhdair
Chemical Physics 361 (1-2), 9-17, 2009
Rotational and vibrational diatomic molecule in the Klein–Gordon equation with hyperbolic scalar and vector potentials
SM Ikhdair
International Journal of Modern Physics C 20 (10), 1563-1582, 2009
Approximate analytical solutions to relativistic and nonrelativistic Pöschl–Teller potential with its thermodynamic properties
SM Ikhdair, BJ Falaye
Chemical Physics 421, 84-95, 2013
Exact bound states of the D-dimensional Klein–Gordon equation with equal scalar and vector ring-shaped pseudoharmonic potential
SM Ikhdair, R Sever
International Journal of Modern Physics C 19 (09), 1425-1442, 2008
Formula method for bound state problems
BJ Falaye, SM Ikhdair, M Hamzavi
Few-Body Systems 56, 63-78, 2015
Eigensolution techniques, their applications and Fisherʼs information entropy of the Tietz–Wei diatomic molecular model
BJ Falaye, KJ Oyewumi, SM Ikhdair, M Hamzavi
Physica Scripta 89 (11), 115204, 2014
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