Daniel A. Soluk
Daniel A. Soluk
Professor of Biology
在 usd.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Ecological neighborhoods: scaling environmental patterns
JF Addicott, JM Aho, MF Antolin, DK Padilla, JS Richardson, DA Soluk
Oikos, 340-346, 1987
Blowing in the wind: a field test of overland dispersal and colonization by aquatic invertebrates
CE Cáceres, DA Soluk
Oecologia 131, 402-408, 2002
Synergistic interactions between fish and stoneflies: facilitation and interference among stream predators
DA Soluk, NC Collins
Oikos, 94-100, 1988
Multiple predator effects: predicting combined functional response of stream fish and invertebrate predators
DA Soluk
Ecology 74 (1), 219-225, 1993
Birds are overlooked top predators in aquatic food webs
J Steinmetz, SL Kohler, DA Soluk
Ecology 84 (5), 1324-1328, 2003
Life in the fast lane: fish and foodweb structure in the main channel of large rivers
JM Dettmers, DH Wahl, DA Soluk, S Gutreuter
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 20 (2), 255-265, 2001
Non-additive predation in littoral habitats: influences of habitat complexity
BJ Swisher, DA Soluk, DH Wahl
Oikos, 30-37, 1998
Multiple predator effects result in risk reduction for prey across multiple prey densities
HD Vance-Chalcraft, DA Soluk
Oecologia 144, 472-480, 2005
Balancing risks? Responses and non-responses of mayfly larvae to fish and stonefly predators
DA Soluk, NC Collins
Oecologia 77, 370-374, 1988
Trophic structure and energy flow in backwater lakes of two large floodplain rivers assessed using stable isotopes
BR Herwig, DA Soluk, JM Dettmers, DH Wahl
Canadian Journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences 61 (1), 12-22, 2004
Evaluating the non-consumptive, positive effects of a predator in the persistence of an endangered species
LM Pintor, DA Soluk
Biological Conservation 130 (4), 584-591, 2006
Evaluating exuvia collection as a management tool for the federally endangered Hine’s emerald dragonfly, Somatochlora hineana Williamson (Odonata: Cordulidae)
SE Foster, DA Soluk
Biological Conservation 118 (1), 15-20, 2004
Is prey predation risk influenced more by increasing predator density or predator species richness in stream enclosures?
HD Vance-Chalcraft, DA Soluk, N Ozburn
Oecologia 139, 117-122, 2004
Patterns in abundance of fishes in main channels of the upper Mississippi River system
JM Dettmers, S Gutreuter, DH Wahl, DA Soluk
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58 (5), 933-942, 2001
Macroinverfebrate Abundance and Production of Psammophifous Chironomidae in Shifting Sand Areas of a Lowland River
DA Soluk
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 42 (7), 1296-1302, 1985
Exploring riverine zooplankton in three habitats of the Illinois River ecosystem: where do they come from?
DH Wahl, J Goodrich, MA Nannini, JM Dettmers, DA Soluk
Limnology and Oceanography 53 (6), 2583-2593, 2008
Protecting more than the wetland: the importance of biased sex ratios and habitat segregation for conservation of the Hine’s emerald dragonfly, Somatochlora hineana Williamson
SE Foster, DA Soluk
Biological Conservation 127 (2), 158-166, 2006
The role of stoneflies in enhancing growth of trout: a test of the importance of predator-predator facilitation within a stream community
DA Soluk, JS Richardson
Oikos, 214-219, 1997
Influence of roadways on patterns of mortality and flight behavior of adult dragonflies near wetland areas
DA Soluk, DS Zercher, AM Worthington
Biological Conservation 144 (5), 1638-1643, 2011
Spatial and temporal patterns in the food web structure of a large floodplain river assessed using stable isotopes
BR Herwig, DH Wahl, JM Dettmers, DA Soluk
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64 (3), 495-508, 2007
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