Money, credit and banking A Berentsen, G Camera, C Waller Journal of Economic theory 135 (1), 171-195, 2007 | 404 | 2007 |
Money and capital SB Aruoba, CJ Waller, R Wright Journal of Monetary Economics 58 (2), 98-116, 2011 | 253* | 2011 |
Bargaining and the Value of Money SB Aruoba, G Rocheteau, C Waller Journal of Monetary Economics 54 (8), 2636-2655, 2007 | 206* | 2007 |
Central-bank independence, economic behavior, and optimal term lengths CJ Waller, CE Walsh The American Economic Review, 1139-1153, 1996 | 157 | 1996 |
Central banking as a political principal‐agent problem M Fratianni, JVON HAGEN, C Waller Economic Inquiry 35 (2), 378-393, 1997 | 149* | 1997 |
The Maastricht way to EMU M Fratianni, J Von Hagen, C Waller International Finance Section, Department of Economics, Princeton University, 1992 | 145* | 1992 |
A bargaining model of partisan appointments to the central bank CJ Waller Journal of Monetary Economics 29 (3), 411-428, 1992 | 144 | 1992 |
Monetary policy games and central bank politics CJ Waller Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 21 (4), 422-431, 1989 | 144 | 1989 |
The distribution of money balances and the nonneutrality of money A Berentsen, G Camera, C Waller International Economic Review 46 (2), 465-487, 2005 | 133 | 2005 |
Corruption: top down or bottom up? CJ Waller, T Verdier, R Gardner Economic Inquiry 40 (4), 688-703, 2002 | 128 | 2002 |
Demographics, redistribution, and optimal inflation J Bullard, C Garriga, C Waller Deakin University, 2012 | 122 | 2012 |
The choice of a conservative central banker in a multisector economy CJ Waller The American Economic Review 82 (4), 1006-1012, 1992 | 112 | 1992 |
A search-theoretic model of legal and illegal currency ES Curtis, CJ Waller Journal of Monetary Economics 45 (1), 155-184, 2000 | 108 | 2000 |
Policy boards and policy smoothing CJ Waller The Quarterly Journal of Economics 115 (1), 305-339, 2000 | 91* | 2000 |
Dollarization and currency exchange B Craig, CJ Waller Journal of Monetary Economics 51 (4), 671-689, 2004 | 90* | 2004 |
Currency competition in a fundamental model of money G Camera, B Craig, CJ Waller Journal of International Economics 64 (2), 521-544, 2004 | 88* | 2004 |
The shadow economy as an equilibrium outcome P Gomis-Porqueras, A Peralta-Alva, C Waller Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 41, 1-19, 2014 | 83* | 2014 |
Optimal disclosure policy and undue diligence D Andolfatto, A Berentsen, C Waller Journal of Economic Theory 149, 128-152, 2014 | 81 | 2014 |
Dual currency economies as multiple payment systems B Craig, C Waller Economic Review 36, 2000 | 78 | 2000 |
Outside Versus Inside Bonds: A Modigliani-Miller type result for liquidity constrained economies A Berentsen, C Waller Journal of Economic Theory 146 (5), 1852-1887, 2011 | 69* | 2011 |