Simple algebras with involution, and unitary groups VI Jančevskiĭ Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik 22 (3), 372, 1974 | 37 | 1974 |
Dieudonne's conjecture on the structure of unitary groups over a division ring, and Hermitian K-theory VP Platonov, VI Yanchevskiĭ Mathematics of the USSR-Izvestiya 25 (3), 573, 1985 | 31 | 1985 |
Reduced unitary -theory and division rings over discretely valued Hensel fields VI Yanchevskiĭ Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya 42 (4), 879-918, 1978 | 31 | 1978 |
The commutator subgroups of simple algebras with surjective reduced norms VI Yanchevskiĭ Doklady Akademii Nauk 221 (5), 1056-1058, 1975 | 27 | 1975 |
Reduced unitary K-theory. Applications to algebraic groups VI Jančevskiĭ Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik 38 (4), 533, 1981 | 26 | 1981 |
The structure of unitary groups and the commutator group of a simple algebra over global fields VP Platonov, VI Yanchevskiĭ Doklady Akademii Nauk 208 (3), 541-544, 1973 | 25 | 1973 |
Finite-dimensional division algebras VP Platonov, VI Yanchevskii Algebra IX: Finite Groups of Lie Type Finite-Dimensional Division Algebras …, 1996 | 23 | 1996 |
On defects of valued division algebras IL Tomchin, VI Yanchevskiĭ Algebra i analiz 3 (3), 147-164, 1991 | 22 | 1991 |
Математический сборник (новая серия) АА Дезин Матем. сб 111 (153), 3, 1980 | 22* | 1980 |
On the Kneser–Tits conjecture for unitary groups VP Platonov, VI Yanchevskiĭ Doklady Akademii Nauk 225 (1), 48-51, 1975 | 21 | 1975 |
Whitehead groups of spinor groups AP MONASTYRNYI, VI YANCHEVSKII Mathematics of the USSR: Izvestija 54 (1), 61, 1990 | 20 | 1990 |
Pythagoras numbers of function fields of hyperelliptic curves with good reduction SV Tikhonov, J Van Geel, VI Yanchevskii manuscripta mathematica 119, 305-322, 2006 | 19 | 2006 |
Bicyclic algebras of prime exponent over function fields B Kunyavskiĭ, L Rowen, S Tikhonov, V Yanchevskiĭ Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 358 (6), 2579-2610, 2006 | 17 | 2006 |
Приведенная унитарная -теория и тела над гензелевыми дискретно нормированными полями ВИ Янчевский Известия Российской академии наук. Серия математическая 42 (4), 879-918, 1978 | 16 | 1978 |
Unitary SK1 for a graded division ring and its quotient division ring AR Wadsworth, VI Yanchevskiĭ Journal of Algebra 352 (1), 62-78, 2012 | 15 | 2012 |
HARDER CONJECTURE VP Platonov, VI Yanchevskii DOKLADY AKADEMII NAUK SSSR 221 (4), 784-787, 1975 | 15* | 1975 |
A converse problem in reduced unitary -theory VI Yanchevskiĭ Matematicheskie Zametki 26 (3), 475-482, 1979 | 14 | 1979 |
Discriminants of involutions on Henselian division algebras M Chacron, H Dherte, JP Tignol, A Wadsworth, VI Yanchevskiĭ Pacific Journal of Mathematics 167 (1), 49-79, 1995 | 13 | 1995 |
Reduced Whitehead groups and the conjugacy problem for special unitary groups of anisotropic Hermitian forms VI Yanchevskii Journal of Mathematical Sciences 192 (2), 250-262, 2013 | 12 | 2013 |
Приведенная унитарная -теория. Приложения к алгебраическим группам ВИ Янчевский Математический сборник 110 (4 (12), 579-596, 1979 | 12 | 1979 |