Marcello Carrozzino
Marcello Carrozzino
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Beyond virtual museums: Experiencing immersive virtual reality in real museums
M Carrozzino, M Bergamasco
Journal of cultural heritage 11 (4), 452-458, 2010
Virtual humans in cultural heritage ICT applications: A review
OM Machidon, M Duguleana, M Carrozzino
Journal of Cultural Heritage 33, 249-260, 2018
A Flexible Framework for Wide‐Spectrum VR Development
F Tecchia, M Carrozzino, S Bacinelli, F Rossi, D Vercelli, G Marino, ...
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 19 (4), 302-312, 2010
Lowering the development time of multimodal interactive application: the real-life experience of the XVR project
M Carrozzino, F Tecchia, S Bacinelli, C Cappelletti, M Bergamasco
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGCHI International Conference on Advances in …, 2005
Mobile augmented reality for cultural heritage: Following the footsteps of Ovid among different locations in Europe
RG Boboc, M Duguleană, GD Voinea, CC Postelnicu, DM Popovici, ...
Sustainability 11 (4), 1167, 2019
I'm in VR! Using your own hands in a fully immersive MR system
F Tecchia, G Avveduto, R Brondi, M Carrozzino, M Bergamasco, L Alem
Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2014
Virtually preserving the intangible heritage of artistic handicraft
M Carrozzino, A Scucces, R Leonardi, C Evangelista, M Bergamasco
Journal of cultural heritage 12 (1), 82-87, 2011
The Museum of Pure Form: touching real statues in an immersive virtual museum.
C Loscos, F Tecchia, A Frisoli, M Carrozzino, HR Widenfeld, D Swapp, ...
VAST, 271-279, 2004
Comparing different storytelling approaches for virtual guides in digital immersive museums
M Carrozzino, M Colombo, F Tecchia, C Evangelista, M Bergamasco
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics: 5th International …, 2018
Multisensory feedback can enhance embodiment within an enriched virtual walking scenario
D Leonardis, A Frisoli, M Barsotti, M Carrozzino, M Bergamasco
Presence 23 (3), 253-266, 2014
Full body acting rehearsal in a networked virtual environment—A case study
JM Normand, B Spanlang, F Tecchia, M Carrozzino, D Swapp, M Slater
Presence 21 (2), 229-243, 2012
Evaluating the impact of highly immersive technologies and natural interaction on player engagement and flow experience in games
R Brondi, L Alem, G Avveduto, C Faita, M Carrozzino, F Tecchia, ...
Entertainment Computing-ICEC 2015: 14th International Conference, ICEC 2015 …, 2015
ISEE: Information access through the navigation of a 3D interactive environment
L Pecchioli, M Carrozzino, F Mohamed, M Bergamasco, TH Kolbe
Journal of Cultural Heritage 12 (3), 287-294, 2011
Safety training using virtual reality: A comparative approach
G Avveduto, C Tanca, C Lorenzini, F Tecchia, M Carrozzino, ...
Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics: 4th International …, 2017
Training in VR: a preliminary study on learning assembly/disassembly sequences
D Sportillo, G Avveduto, F Tecchia, M Carrozzino
Augmented and Virtual Reality: Second International Conference, AVR 2015 …, 2015
Using mixed reality and natural interaction in cultural heritage applications
R Brondi, M Carrozzino, C Lorenzini, F Tecchia
Informatica 40 (3), 2016
The virtual museum of sculpture
M Carrozzino, C Evangelista, A Scucces, F Tecchia, G Tennirelli, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Digital Interactive Media …, 2008
Design of information landscapes for cultural heritage content
E Ruffaldi, C Evangelista, V Neri, M Carrozzino, M Bergamasco
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Digital Interactive Media …, 2008
Time-travelling with mobile augmented reality: A case study on the piazza dei miracoli
M Duguleana, R Brodi, F Girbacia, C Postelnicu, O Machidon, ...
Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation …, 2016
Designing interaction metaphors for Web3D cultural dissemination
M Carrozzino, N Bruno, M Bergamasco
Journal of Cultural Heritage 14 (2), 146-155, 2013
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