Mashiyat Tasnia, PhD
Mashiyat Tasnia, PhD
East Delta University
在 eastdelta.edu.bd 的电子邮件经过验证
COVID-19 and the environment: A critical review and research agenda
MH Shakil, ZH Munim, M Tasnia, S Sarowar
Science of the Total Environment 745, 141022, 2020
Do environmental, social and governance performance affect the financial performance of banks? A cross-country study of emerging market banks
MH Shakil, N Mahmood, M Tasnia, ZH Munim
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 30 (6), 1331-1344, 2019
Board gender diversity and environmental, social and governance performance of US banks: Moderating role of environmental, social and corporate governance controversies
MH Shakil, M Tasnia, MI Mostafiz
International Journal of Bank Marketing 39 (4), 661-677, 2021
The impact of corporate social responsibility on stock price volatility of the US banks: A moderating role of tax
M Tasnia, SM Syed Jaafar AlHabshi, R Rosman
Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting 19 (1), 77-91, 2021
Is gold a hedge or a safe haven? An application of ARDL approach
MH Shakil, IM Mustapha, M Tasnia, B Saiti
Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science 23 (44), 60-76, 2018
Foreign direct investment and institutional stability: who drives whom?
N Mahmood, MH Shakil, IM Akinlaso, M Tasnia
Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science 24 (47), 145-156, 2019
Contemporary issues of form and substance: an Islamic law perspective
M Hamour, MH Shakil, IM Akinlaso, M Tasnia
ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance 11 (1), 124-136, 2019
Corporate social responsibility and Islamic and conventional banks performance: A systematic review and future research agenda
M Tasnia, SM Syed Jafaar Alhabshi, R Rosman
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 13 (4), 1711-1731, 2023
Sustainability and financial performance of transport and logistics firms: Does board gender diversity matter?
MH Shakil, ZH Munim, S Zamore, M Tasnia
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 14 (1), 100-115, 2024
Artificial intelligence and tax administration in Asia and the pacific
MH Shakil, M Tasnia
Taxation in the digital economy, 45-55, 2022
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