Detection of a rare event on 23 February 1987 by the VL Dadykin, GT Zatsepin, VB Korchagin, PV Korchagin, AS Mal'Gin, ... JETP Lett 45 (10), 1987 | 86 | 1987 |
Measurement of the velocity of neutrinos from the CNGS beam with the Large Volume Detector NY Agafonova, M Aglietta, P Antonioli, VV Ashikhmin, G Bari, R Bertoni, ... Physical Review Letters 109 (7), 070801, 2012 | 61 | 2012 |
Hadrons generated by cosmic-ray muons underground RI Enikeev, GT Zatsepin, EV Korol'kova, VA Kudryavtsev, AS Mal'gin, ... Sov. J. Nucl. Phys.(Engl. Transl.);(United States) 46 (5), 1987 | 51 | 1987 |
Study on the muon spectra at the depth of 570 mwe underground with 100t scintillation detector RI Enikeev, GT Zatsepin, EV Korol'kova, VA Kudryavtsev, AS Mal'gin, ... Yadernaya Fizika 47 (4), 1044-1053, 1988 | 19 | 1988 |
High-energy hadron background in proton decay experiments FF Khalchukov, AS Mal'gin, VG Ryassny, OG Ryazhskaya Il Nuovo Cimento C 6, 320-326, 1983 | 19 | 1983 |
Study of the muon spectrum at a depth 570 mwe underground by means of the 100-ton scintillation detector RI Enikeev, GT Zatsepin, EV Korol'kova, VA Kudryavtsev, AS Mal'gin, ... Sov. J. Nucl. Phys.(Engl. Transl.);(United States) 47 (4), 1988 | 13 | 1988 |
High-energy hadrons produced by cosmic-ray muons in the earth as a source of background in proton-decay experiments AS Mal'Gin, OG Ryazhskaya, VG Ryasnyi, FF Khal'Chukov JETP Lett.(Engl. Transl.);(United States) 36 (8), 1982 | 13 | 1982 |
100-ton scintillation counter for registration of antineutrino fluxes from collapsing stars in our Gallaxy and for investigation of high-energy nuon interactions. VI Beresnev, RI Enikeev, GT Zatsepin, VB Korchagin, PV Korchagin, ... Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta 6, 48-51, 1981 | 12 | 1981 |
Study of muon inelastic scattering with the 100-ton scintillation detector of the Artemovsk Scientific Station GT Zatsepin, EV Korol'kova, VA Kudryavtsev, AS Mal'gin, OG Ryazhskaya Soviet Journal of Nuclear Physics (English Translation);(USA) 49 (2), 1989 | 11 | 1989 |
Correlations between low-and high-energy pulses detected by the LSD installation under Mt. Blanc from 10 February 1987 to 1 July 1987. VL Dadykin, GT Zatsepin, EV Korol'Kova, PV Korchagin, VA Kudryavtsev, ... Soviet Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 56 (9), 426-429, 1992 | 9 | 1992 |
On the cosmic ray muon positive excess problem NY Agafonova, VV Boyarkin, EV Kaurova, AS Mal'Gin, OG Ryazhskaya, ... Journal of Physics: Conference Series 39 (1), 489, 2006 | 6 | 2006 |
Measurement of specific yield of neutrons produced by muons using LVD underground detector NY Agafonova, VV Boyarkin, EA Dobrynina, VV Kuznetsov, AS Mal'gin, ... Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk. Seriya Fizicheskaya 69 …, 2005 | 6 | 2005 |
Analysis of integral and averaged characteristics of the IMB and Kamioka signals from SN1987A A Mal'Gin NUOVO CIMENTO-SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA SEZIONE C 21, 317-330, 1998 | 6 | 1998 |
Investigation of muon inelastic scattering with energy up to 5 X 10 to the 12th eV RI Enikeev, VA Kudriavtsev, AS Malgin, OG Riazhskaia, GT Zatsepin In: International Cosmic Ray Conference, 17th, Paris, France, July 13-25 …, 1981 | 6 | 1981 |
Preprint No. 1071/2001 NY Agafonova, VA Alekseev, EA Dobrynina, VV Kuznetsov, AS Mal'gin, ... INR, 2001 | 5 | 2001 |
Investigation of the energy spectrum and interactions of cosmic ray muons up to energies of 1013 eV at the depth of 550 m w.e RI Enikeev, GT Zatsepin, VA Kudryavtsev, AS Mal'gin, OG Ryazhskaya Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya 46 (9), 1847-1850, 1982 | 5 | 1982 |
Correlations between low-energy and high-energy pulses recorded by the LSD facility beneath Mt. Blanc from 02/10/87 to 07/01/87 VL Dadykin, GT Zatsepin, EV Korol'Kova, PV Korchagin, VA Kudriavtsev, ... Pisma v Zhurnal Eksperimentalnoi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki 56 (9-10), 441-444, 1992 | 4 | 1992 |
Neutrino experiments at LSD and ASD installations. VL Dadykin, FF Khalchukov, VB Korchagin, PV Korchagin, EV Korolkova, ... Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, 285-296, 1986 | 4 | 1986 |
Present status of the opera experiment for the direct observation of neutrino oscillations in the νμ → ν τ channel NY Agafonova, AB Aleksandrov, AM Anokhina, MS Vladimirov, ... Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 75, 423-426, 2011 | 3 | 2011 |
Temporal characteristics of light collection in the liquid scintillation counter with a volume of 1.5 m3 and quasi-mirror reflection NY Agafonova, VV Boyarkin, AS Mal’gin Instruments and Experimental Techniques 53, 800-804, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |