Kristina Rennekamp
Kristina Rennekamp
Professor of Accounting at Cornell University
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Processing Fluency and Investors’ Reactions to Disclosure Readability
K Rennekamp
Journal of Accounting Research, 2012
A plain English measure of financial reporting readability
SB Bonsall IV, AJ Leone, BP Miller, K Rennekamp
Journal of Accounting and Economics 63 (2-3), 329-357, 2017
Self‐Serving Attribution Bias, Overconfidence, and the Issuance of Management Forecasts
R Libby, K Rennekamp
Journal of Accounting Research, 2012
Disclosure readability and the sensitivity of investors' valuation judgments to outside information
HS Asay, WB Elliott, K Rennekamp
The Accounting Review 92 (4), 1-25, 2017
Does concrete language in disclosures increase willingness to invest?
WB Elliott, KM Rennekamp, BJ White
Review of Accounting Studies 20, 839-865, 2015
Firm performance, reporting goals, and language choices in narrative disclosures
HS Asay, R Libby, K Rennekamp
Journal of Accounting and Economics 65 (2-3), 380-398, 2018
How disclosure features of corporate social responsibility reports interact with investor numeracy to influence investor judgments
WB Elliott, SM Grant, KM Rennekamp
Contemporary Accounting Research 34 (3), 1596-1621, 2017
Regulation and the interdependent roles of managers, auditors, and directors in earnings management and accounting choice
R Libby, KM Rennekamp, N Seybert
Accounting, Organizations and Society 47, 25-42, 2015
Do features that associate managers with a message magnify investors’ reactions to narrative disclosures?
HS Asay, R Libby, KM Rennekamp
Accounting, Organizations and Society 68, 1-14, 2018
Impaired judgment: The effects of asset impairment reversibility and cognitive dissonance on future investment
K Rennekamp, KK Rupar, N Seybert
The Accounting Review 90 (2), 739-759, 2015
Does coordinated presentation help credit analysts identify firm characteristics?
R Bloomfield, F Hodge, P Hopkins, K Rennekamp
Contemporary Accounting Research 32 (2), 507-527, 2015
Mobile devices and investment news apps: The effects of information release, push notification, and the fear of missing out
SM Clor-Proell, RD Guggenmos, K Rennekamp
The Accounting Review 95 (5), 95-115, 2020
No system is perfect: Understanding how registration‐based editorial processes affect reproducibility and investment in research quality
R Bloomfield, K Rennekamp, B Steenhoven
Journal of Accounting Research 56 (2), 313-362, 2018
The effects of forecast type and performance-based incentives on the quality of management forecasts
CX Chen, KM Rennekamp, FH Zhou
Accounting, Organizations and Society 46, 8-18, 2015
Linguistic formality and audience engagement: investors' reactions to characteristics of social media disclosures
KM Rennekamp, PD Witz
Contemporary Accounting Research 38 (3), 1748-1781, 2021
Do jobseekers value diversity information? Evidence from a field experiment and human capital disclosures
JH Choi, J Pacelli, KM Rennekamp, S Tomar
Journal of Accounting Research 61 (3), 695-735, 2023
Penalties for unexpected behavior: Double standards for women in finance
RJ Bloomfield, K Rennekamp, B Steenhoven, S Stewart
The Accounting Review 96 (2), 107-125, 2021
Engagement in earnings conference calls
KM Rennekamp, M Sethuraman, BA Steenhoven
Journal of Accounting and Economics 74 (1), 101498, 2022
Experienced financial managers' views of the relationships among self-serving attribution bias, overconfidence, and the issuance of management forecasts: A replication
R Libby, KM Rennekamp
Journal of Financial Reporting 1 (1), 131-136, 2016
Who Stands at the Top and Bottom of the Slippery Slope?
T Brown
University of Maryland, 2011
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