Information state and dialogue management in the TRINDI dialogue move engine toolkit S Larsson, DR Traum Natural language engineering 6 (3-4), 323-340, 2000 | 698 | 2000 |
The Information State Approach to Dialogue Management. DR Traum, S Larsson RW Smith and J. Kuppevelt, eds: Current and New Directions in Discourse and …, 2003 | 497 | 2003 |
Issue-based dialogue management S Larsson Department of Linguistics, Göteborg University, 2002 | 416 | 2002 |
A model of dialogue moves and information state revision D Traum, J Bos, R Cooper, S Larsson, I Lewin, C Matheson, M Poesio Tech. rept. Deliverable D2, 1999 | 126 | 1999 |
Software illustrating a unified approach to multimodality and multilinguality in the in-home domain S Ericsson, G Amores, B Bringert, H Burden, AC Forslund, D Hjelm, ... Deliverable D1 6, 2006 | 110 | 2006 |
D2. 2: Dynamic multimodal interface reconfiguration D Milward, G Amores, N Blaylock, S Larsson, P Ljunglof, P Manchon, ... Talk and Look: Tools for Ambient Linguistic Knowledge, 2006 | 104 | 2006 |
Formal semantics for perceptual classification S Larsson Journal of Logic and Computation, ext059, 2013 | 95 | 2013 |
Probabilistic type theory and natural language semantics R Cooper, S Dobnik, S Lappin, S Larsson Linguistic issues in language technology 10, 2015 | 85 | 2015 |
GoDiS: an accommodating dialogue system S Larsson, P Ljunglöf, R Cooper, E Engdahl, S Ericsson Proceedings of the 2000 ANLP/NAACL Workshop on Conversational systems-Volume …, 2000 | 69 | 2000 |
A probabilistic rich type theory for semantic interpretation R Cooper, S Dobnik, S Lappin, S Larsson Proceedings of the EACL 2014 Workshop on Type Theory and Natural Language …, 2014 | 62 | 2014 |
Information states and dialog move engines P Bohlin, R Cooper, E Engdahl, S Larsson Electronic Transactions in AI 3 (9), 53-71, 1999 | 61* | 1999 |
Information states and dialogue move engines P Bohlin, R Cooper, E Engdahl, S Larsson IJCAI-99 Workshop on knowledge and reasoning in practical dialogue systems, 1999 | 61 | 1999 |
Dialogue moves and information states R Cooper, S Larsson Proceedings of the third international workshop on computational semantics, 1999 | 54 | 1999 |
Modelling language, action, and perception in Type Theory with Records S Dobnik, R Cooper, S Larsson Constraint Solving and Language Processing, 70-91, 2013 | 52 | 2013 |
Survey of existing interactive systems J Bos, S Larsson, I Lewin, C Matheson, D Milward Trindi (Task Oriented Instructional Dialogue) report, 3, 1999 | 51 | 1999 |
Survey of existing interactive systems P Bohlin, J Bos, S Larsson, I Lewin, C Matheson, D Milward Deliverable D1.3, 1999 | 51* | 1999 |
Coding instructional dialogue for information states R Cooper, S Larsson, C Matheson, M Poesio, D Traum Deliverable D1.1, 1999 | 44 | 1999 |
GODIS and questions under discussion R Cooper, S Larsson, J Hieronymus, S Ericsson, E Engdahl, P Ljunglof The TRINDI Book, 2001 | 42 | 2001 |
Towards a formal view of corrective feedback S Larsson, R Cooper Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational …, 2009 | 37 | 2009 |
The effect of cognitive load on disfluencies during in-vehicle spoken dialogue. A Lindström, J Villing, S Larsson, A Seward, N Åberg, C Holtelius INTERSPEECH, 1196-1199, 2008 | 37 | 2008 |