Knowledge Management: An organizational capabilities perspective AH Gold, A Malhotra, AH Segars Journal of Management Information System 18 (1), 185-214, 2001 | 9143 | 2001 |
ES-QUAL: A multiple-item scale for assessing electronic service quality A Parasuraman, VA Zeithaml, A Malhotra Journal of service research 7 (3), 213-233, 2005 | 7756 | 2005 |
Service quality delivery through web sites: a critical review of extant knowledge VA Zeithaml, A Parasuraman, A Malhotra Journal of the academy of marketing science 30 (4), 362-375, 2002 | 4860 | 2002 |
A conceptual framework for understanding e-service quality: Implications for future research and managerial practice VA Zeithaml | 1796 | 2000 |
Absorptive capacity configurations in supply chains: Gearing for partner-enabled market knowledge creation A Malhotra, S Gosain, OAE Sawy MIS quarterly, 145-187, 2005 | 1415 | 2005 |
Technology adaptation: The case of a computer-supported inter-organizational virtual team A Majchrzak, RE Rice, A Malhotra, N King, S Ba MIS quarterly, 569-600, 2000 | 1346 | 2000 |
Leading virtual teams A Malhotra, A Majchrzak, B Rosen Academy of Management perspectives 21 (1), 60-70, 2007 | 1077 | 2007 |
Coordinating for flexibility in e-business supply chains S Gosain, A Malhotra, OA El Sawy Journal of management information systems 21 (3), 7-45, 2004 | 652 | 2004 |
The dark side of the sharing economy… and how to lighten it A Malhotra, M Van Alstyne Communications of the ACM 57 (11), 24-27, 2014 | 647 | 2014 |
Towards an information systems perspective and research agenda on crowdsourcing for innovation A Majchrzak, A Malhotra The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 22 (4), 257-268, 2013 | 637 | 2013 |
Research Commentary—Seeking the Configurations of Digital Ecodynamics: It Takes Three to Tango OA El Sawy, A Malhotra, YK Park, PA Pavlou Information systems research 21 (4), 835-848, 2010 | 612 | 2010 |
Radical innovation without collocation: A case study at Boeing-Rocketdyne A Malhotra, A Majchrzak, R Carman, V Lott MIS quarterly, 229-249, 2001 | 579 | 2001 |
Perceived individual collaboration know-how development through information technology–enabled contextualization: Evidence from distributed teams A Majchrzak, A Malhotra, R John Information systems research 16 (1), 9-27, 2005 | 445 | 2005 |
Spurring impactful research on information systems for environmental sustainability A Malhotra, NP Melville, RT Watson MIS quarterly 37 (4), 1265-1274, 2013 | 423 | 2013 |
IT-intensive value innovation in the electronic economy: Insights from Marshall Industries OA El Sawy, A Malhotra, S Gosain, KM Young MIS quarterly, 305-335, 1999 | 382 | 1999 |
E-service quality: definition, dimensions, and conceptual model VA Zeithaml | 375 | 2000 |
How to create brand engagement on Facebook A Malhotra, CK Malhotra, A See MIT Sloan Management Review, 2012 | 346 | 2012 |
Enabling knowledge creation in far‐flung teams: best practices for IT support and knowledge sharing A Malhotra, A Majchrzak Journal of knowledge Management 8 (4), 75-88, 2004 | 319 | 2004 |
Can absence make a team grow stronger? A Majchrzak, A Malhotra, J Stamps, J Lipnack Harvard business review 82 (5), 131-137, 2004 | 312 | 2004 |
Leveraging standard electronic business interfaces to enable adaptive supply chain partnerships A Malhotra, S Gosain, OA El Sawy Information Systems Research 18 (3), 260-279, 2007 | 304 | 2007 |