Giovanni Mazzeo
Giovanni Mazzeo
Post-doc at MDM-IMM-CNR lab
在 mdm.imm.cnr.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Behavior of phosphorous and contaminants from molecular doping combined with a conventional spike annealing method
Y Shimizu, H Takamizawa, K Inoue, F Yano, Y Nagai, L Lamagna, ...
Nanoscale 6 (2), 706-710, 2013
AlGaN-based linear array for UV solar-blind imaging from 240 to 280 nm
G Mazzeo, JL Reverchon, JY Duboz, A Dussaigne
IEEE Sensors Journal 6 (4), 957-963, 2006
Effective Hamiltonian for the hybrid double quantum dot qubit
E Ferraro, M De Michielis, G Mazzeo, M Fanciulli, E Prati
Quantum information processing 13 (5), 1155-1173, 2014
Charge dynamics of a single donor coupled to a few-electron quantum dot in silicon
G Mazzeo, E Prati, M Belli, G Leti, S Cocco, M Fanciulli, F Guagliardo, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (21), 2012
Deep UV pulsed laser monitoring by CVD diamond sensors
G Mazzeo, S Salvatori, MC Rossi, G Conte, MC Castex
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 113 (3), 277-281, 2004
Valley blockade and multielectron spin-valley Kondo effect in silicon
A Crippa, MLV Tagliaferri, D Rotta, M De Michielis, G Mazzeo, M Fanciulli, ...
Physical Review B 92 (3), 035424, 2015
Deep ultraviolet detection dynamics of AlGaN based devices
G Mazzeo, G Conte, JL Reverchon, A Dussaigne, JY Duboz
Applied physics letters 89 (22), 2006
Polycrystalline diamond position sensitive detector for excimer laser UV radiation
S Salvatori, G Mazzeo, G Conte, MC Rossi, V Ralchenko
Diamond and related materials 13 (4-8), 948-953, 2004
Tunable electron counting statistics in a quantum dot at thermal equilibrium
XC Zhang, G Mazzeo, A Brataas, M Xiao, E Yablonovitch, HW Jiang
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (3), 035321, 2009
Electronic performance of 2D-UV detectors
G Mazzeo, S Salvatori, G Conte, V Ralchenko, V Konov
Diamond and related materials 16 (4-7), 1053-1057, 2007
Voltage division position sensitive detectors based on photoconductive materials—Part I: Principle of operation
S Salvatori, G Mazzeo, G Conte
IEEE Sensors Journal 8 (2), 188-193, 2008
Conduction band discontinuity and electron confinement at the SixGe1− x/Ge interface
G Mazzeo, E Yablonovitch, HW Jiang, Y Bai, EA Fitzgerald
Applied Physics Letters 96 (21), 2010
Diamond deep-UV position sensitive detectors
G Conte, G Mazzeo, S Salvatori
Optical Sensing II 6189, 254-265, 2006
Status of AlGaN based focal plane arrays for UV solar blind detection
JL Reverchon, G Mazzeo, A Dussaigne, JY Duboz
Detectors and Associated Signal Processing II 5964, 8-19, 2005
Radiation-induced modification of trap occupancy in polycrystalline diamond detectors
MC Rossi, F Spaziani, G Mazzeo, S Salvatori, G Conte, P Ascarelli, ...
Diamond and related materials 12 (3-7), 696-700, 2003
Dynamics of AlGaN based detectors in the deep-UV
G Mazzeo, JL Reverchon, G Conte, A Dussaigne, JY Duboz
Solid-state electronics 52 (5), 795-800, 2008
A compact T-shaped nanodevice for charge sensing of a tunable double quantum dot in scalable silicon technology
MLV Tagliaferri, A Crippa, M De Michielis, G Mazzeo, M Fanciulli, E Prati
Physics Letters A 380 (11-12), 1205-1209, 2016
Deep UV detection by CVD diamond position sensitive devices
G Mazzeo, G Conte, MC Rossi, S Salvatori, V Ralchenko
physica status solidi (c) 1 (2), 261-264, 2004
Polycrystalline diamond film UV detectors for excimer lasers
VG Ralchenko, AV Savel'ev, VI Konov, G Mazzeo, F Spaziani, G Conte, ...
Quantum Electronics 36 (6), 487, 2006
Metal-diamond-metal planar structures for off-angle UV beam positioning with high lateral resolution
G Mazzeo, G Prestopino, G Conte, S Salvatori
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 123, 199-203, 2005
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