Requirements engineering: a good practice guide I Sommerville, P Sawyer John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997 | 2583 | 1997 |
‘People have a knack of making you feel excluded if they catch on to your difference’: Transgender experiences of exclusion in sport ODW Hargie, DH Mitchell, IJA Somerville International Review for the Sociology of Sport 52 (2), 223-239, 2017 | 266 | 2017 |
Histories of public relations: Comparing the historiography of British, German and US public relations O Raaz, S Wehmeier Journal of Communication Management 15 (3), 256-275, 2011 | 121* | 2011 |
Business ethics, public relations and corporate social responsibility I Somerville The public relations handbook, 141-154, 2004 | 74 | 2004 |
Agency versus identity: Actor‐network theory meets public relations I Somerville Corporate Communications: An International Journal 4 (1), 6-13, 1999 | 64 | 1999 |
Corporate identity E Wood, I Somerville The public relations handbook, 142-169, 2013 | 61* | 2013 |
Framing “the public interest”: Comparing public lobbying campaigns in four European states Ø Ihlen, K Raknes, I Somerville, C Valentini, C Stachel, I Lock, S Davidson, ... Journal of Public Interest Communications 2 (1), 2018 | 50 | 2018 |
Public relations and the Northern Ireland peace process: Dissemination, reconciliation and the ‘Good Friday Agreement’referendum campaign I Somerville, S Kirby Public Relations Inquiry 1 (3), 231-255, 2012 | 37 | 2012 |
Power-sharing and political public relations: Government-press relationships in Northern Ireland's developing democratic institutions C Rice, I Somerville Public Relations Review 39 (4), 293-302, 2013 | 32 | 2013 |
Corporate communication E Wood The public relations handbook, 93-104, 2004 | 31 | 2004 |
Narratives of new media in Scottish households: the evolution of a framework of inquiry E Davenport, M Higgins, I Somerville Journal of the American Society for Information Science 51 (10), 900-912, 2000 | 29 | 2000 |
Public relations and politics I Somerville, P Ramsey The public relations handbook, 54-75, 2013 | 28 | 2013 |
Public relations education in a divided society: PR, terrorism and critical pedagogy in post-conflict Northern Ireland I Somerville, A Purcell, F Morrison Public Relations Review 37 (5), 548-555, 2011 | 27 | 2011 |
Actor-Network Theory: A useful paradigm for theanalysis of the UK cable/on-line sociotechnical ensemble? I Somerville | 25 | 1997 |
Sport for peace in Northern Ireland? Civil society, change and constraint after the 1998 Good Friday Agreement D Mitchell, I Somerville, O Hargie The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 18 (4), 981-996, 2016 | 20 | 2016 |
Campaigning for ‘women, peace and security': Transnational advocacy networks at the United Nations Security Council I Somerville, S Aroussi Gender and public relations, 156-176, 2013 | 20 | 2013 |
Political Contest and Oppositional Voices in Postconflict Democracy: The Impact of Institutional Design on Government–Media Relations C Rice, I Somerville The International Journal of Press/Politics 22 (1), 92-110, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
Managing public affairs and lobbying: Persuasive communication in the policy sphere I Somerville Public relations: A managerial perspective, 1-31, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |
Public relations, politics and the media I Somerville, S Aroussi The public relations handbook, 50-75, 2016 | 17 | 2016 |
Democratic communication and the role of special advisers in Northern Ireland’s consociational government C Rice, I Somerville, J Wilson International Journal of Public Administration 38 (1), 4-14, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |